Thanks Mike.
My favourite part is that I saw something that didn't seem right and had the confidence to go back and completely redo it. In this case it was the Multi cam uniform pattern. The first attempt didn't seem right, so I redid it and much happier with it now.
I take my hat off to you that's a fine piece of camo painting on a great figure , like the way you done all the equipment , nice work on the goggles ( any tricks on painting those ? )
Good addition with the badge as well on the base
IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY WHY NOT ENTER a piece into the class of your choice in AUG/SEPT FOTM here:
Thanks for the comments chaps. As these are of Russian manufacture, they are rapidly disappearing and may not be able to be sourced again. Here in Australia BNA Modelworld still has a few on their website if anyone is chasing some