Wanting to Buy Or Trade Andrea Miniatures 90mm


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A Fixture
Jan 23, 2009
Raytown , MO
Hi all,

I am looking for these particular Andrea Miniatures figures for trade:

1. Son of the Morning Star

2. Polish Lancer

If can't make a trade, I can consider buying.
Hi I have the son of the morning star for 100 Pounds on my sales list and can bring to Euro.
Contact me at [email protected] or send me a list of what you have for trade
I have quite few 54mm and 75mm I will be posting here later. I also have Pegaso Models Richard the Lionheart 75mm limited edition for 25th Euromilitaire anniversary which I would like to trade for two of these. Especially for Napoleon and Polish Lancer.
Here are the figures I am offering for trade:
1. Knight Models Yoda 70mm KST007
2. Knight Models Yoda 70mm KST019 - missing plastic pedestal.
3. Historic Art Miniatures 70mm - Viking Bebbanburg 866
4. Scale75 - Grand Master
5.Frank Miniatures 70mm - Mounted Viking Warrior
6.La Meridiana Miniatures 70mm - C.S.A. At Home 1865
7.Pegaso Models 75mm - Samurai 16th-17th Century 75-089
8. Pegaso Models 75mm - Nubian Palace Guard 75-071
9. Romeo Models 75mm - Crusader Knight 75-07
10.Romeo Models 75mm - Viking Warrior XI sec 75-09
I have only Napoleon 90mm and want Lionheart, can I negotiate? (Pay extra money or another figures)