WIP Critique Original 54mm. Swedish infantry, Fraustadt 1706


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Started painting, the face need to be done before I finish hands and musket. Painted with vallejo acrylics. Still need some touchups here and there.
regards Lars


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Thanks for the wonderful tips Lars, I heard about the toothpicks before but I like your advice on the glue and sanding it.
Thanks again and looking forward to see more of your work.
Best regards
Very very nice, groundwork as well!

May I ask how you did the snow? I think it looks very realistic, particularly on and around the grass.

Great work Lars, I really like this figure a lot. And as others have said, it's a conflict that's been largely ignored before, so bonus brownie points for that too.

Are there any plans for a commercial release, because if so you can put me down for one.

- Steve
Thanks guys.

The snow is microballons. I find it very realistic and easy to use. I just use white glue dilluted with water to fix it to the base. If you want a more icy/slush look, mix it with the glue water mix

Some additional pics



Thanks Steve, this is a one off original . I've never done any comercial work and to be honest I've never thougt of it. But I'm glad you like my work and I too would like to see more figures from this era.

Thanks Colin I'm glad you like it, the head is truly a masterpiece. It is howrever the work of mr Saunders of Hornet, but o really wish I too had that talent.

I have done some additional work on the button holes ( is that what you call it?) since I wasn't happy with the look of them.


Regards Lars.
Thanks Edorta, . Your're rigth about the hands it is still not finished.

Regards Lars
Thanks for the info on the snow Lars.
How did you get the slush between the grass so nicely, while keeping the grass helms clean?

Impressive work on the buttonholes! Very convincing.

Adrian getting the snow effect, it is really nothing about it. I just put a drop of white glue very dilluted with water and a little dishwashing detergent ( to break the surface tension) at the base of the grass and then sprinkle micro balloons over it. The water/glue mix absorbs the micro ballons and any waste on the helms is easily brushed away.

Regards Lars

Looking realy good. As being a dane i also have a great interest in the Great Nothern War. I have made a couple of Swedes and Danish. I would love to see your figures in flesh:) Where do you get the references?
Best regards Daniel
I think micro balloons is by far the most realistic "snow" product. It is very realistic and so easy to use. Just be sure not to inhale it, I don't think it's very good for your lungs.

Daniel: thanks, I'm glad you like my work. It's nice to hear that someone makes some danes as well. I would very much like to see some of your work. References for uniforms are a couple of well used books:
Stora nordiska kriget 1700-1721; Lars-Eric Höglund
Karoliner:; Alf Åberg/Göte Göransson
Dräkt och uniform; Eric bellander
Equipment and weapons I usualy seek in Digitalt museum wich has a somewhat awkward search engine, but if you get it right you get all info you need. Is there something special your looking for?

Regards /Lars