By coincidence we bumped into our neighbour's children, who are our age (60s), and had moved away from home. They were visiting their mother following a hospital visit. We hadn't seen them for decades and when they came to tea, they saw my figure collection, and said that their dad had been a Grenadier Guardsman for his National Service. When they were growing up, he used to take all their shoes into the garage on a Sunday night, and they would turn up later with a shine you could see your face in - not very cool when you're a teenager!
Thanks to Gordon Mitchell, a 120mm Grenadier Guardsman was found, along with a No 4 rifle. With a little help from a heat gun and some Milliput I was able to alter the pose. I also made a spike bayonet in its scabbard (not fitted, as somewhat vulnerable - quite a lot of models seem to have had their bayonets broken off). I hope they like it (!):
Happy modelling,

Thanks to Gordon Mitchell, a 120mm Grenadier Guardsman was found, along with a No 4 rifle. With a little help from a heat gun and some Milliput I was able to alter the pose. I also made a spike bayonet in its scabbard (not fitted, as somewhat vulnerable - quite a lot of models seem to have had their bayonets broken off). I hope they like it (!):

Happy modelling,