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Active Member
Feb 13, 2006
what is a good medium to outline in, i paint in oil. Would Acrylic do for for a figure painted in oil?

Thank you
I guess it matters what it is your trying to outline. If your doing fine lines, as on clothing or a standard, I use my oils for that as well. I make sure the base colors are completely dry then mix the color I need. I then use a very small brush and very little paint and carefully paint the thin lines. Building up the color slowly as I go, almost as if drybrushing. The best part about the oils is that they stay "wet" for a long period of time. That allows plenty of time for corrections iff needed. I find acrylics dry a bit too fast for precision work. Maybe it's just me, but I can never finish before my mix is dried out. Enamels are somewhat the same way. Experiment on a plastic sheet or paper before starting. I think you'll find what works best! HTH,

Jay H.
Thanks, Jay for the help, I am doing a 75mm Pavlov Grenadier which will be my 2nd figure. your reply, in how you explain it clicked with me. Thank you.
Oil - For outlining, you can also add a bit of linseed oil to improve the flow of the paint.

I'm an oils guy, myself, but I do use acrylics - not for outlining. Oils dry slow, achieve an even, consistent flow, and are correctable (with a turps-damp brush) for a long time. Just be sure the undersurface is completely dry, and the oil paint is well-mixed and about the consistency of milk. Using a liner brush helps too.

I'm sure there are ways to get this same effect with acrylics, and someone will no doubt post that method here, but I find oils easier and quicker.
On my acrylic paint jobs I use either a sepia or a black waterbased ink. Mine is actually clayboard ink. It doesn't dry too fast, and is correctable for a while. Have had good luck with it so far.

Brad Spelts

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