Paint Removal


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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2005
Hindley Green, Wigan, England
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could advise me of what medium to use to strip paint from white metal or resin figures. I have heard others on PF refer to easyoff - is this product available in the UK or is there something similar.
I have used nitromoor's before but I am not sure that it would be ok for 54mm figures.
Hi Stev
I just finished stripping a resin figure myself.
So the scale is not important.I would use Nitromorse for metal and oven cleaner for resin.For metal you can also use Cellulose thinner.
If you paint in acryilics you can use Tamiya thinner
Best regards
Roberto :)
I always use EasyOff. The trick here is to use the original formula, if you use the unscented it won't work. I'll tell ya what else works is laquer thinner, but you may be at more risk to ruin any filler work you've done on the model with laquer thinner, it will weaken your glue as well. I've never had a problem with the easyoff.

There are things to consider, wear goggles, chemical rubber gloves, a respirator.
The fumes are nasty and will burn your throat and nose. Be sure to read all the warning labels on the can. Don't do this in the presence of household animals, dogs, cats, birds iguannas etc. You'll destroy their noses.

I spray it directly onto the figure in a plastic container, close the lid and let it sit for a 1/2 hour. Longer if you use enamel gloss paints.

I rinse the figure off with water, I have an old tooth brush to help with stubborn spots. Be sure that you don't do this stuff around food preparation areas. If you do use the kitchen sink, brotha, I'd spend some time washing it out really really good. Also, you've gotta becarefull with your environmental laws as to what you can put down your drain. If you've got spots that won't come off, repeat it again. Can't hurt.

Another thing I've learned from experience. And I've gotta tell ya. I've stripped more models than I've ever finished. Its called low self esteeme. Becarefull of splatter when using the toothbrush. And make sure that you put the container that your using for the first time on something that won't be effected by the easy off should it somehow melt the container your using. Like a concrete floor. I ALWAYS mark my container with a magic maker NOT FOR FOOD STUFF, just to make sure no one uses the container again for anything but what you used it for.

I use the stuff all the time even with resign figures, it works great. Hense the screen name... EasyOff.

Hope this helps.
Originally posted by stev1eran+Aug 30 2005, 05:34 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (stev1eran @ Aug 30 2005, 05:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Hi all,
I have heard others on PF refer to easyoff - is this product available in the UK or is there something similar.[/b]

Mr. Muscle oven cleaner should be much the same sort of thing Steve. I've never had a problem with it on resin but you might want to test just to be on the safe side.

@Aug 30 2005, 05:34 PM
Hi all,
I have used nitromoor's before but I am not sure that it would be ok for 54mm figures.
Paint stippers are fine for metal figs but you'd have to be cautious with resins.

As John mentions stripping might attack some putties, fillers and glues so I often think it's best to separate the kit and re-glue all the joins, just to be on the safe side.

What types of paint do you use by the way? Oils and enamels are generally harder to remove than hobby acrylics, which are generally soluble in meths/alcohol or acetone.

Thanks for the info guys :)
I will take on board what you have said.
Einion - I tend to undercoat in acrylic and paint in oils. I have just managed to pick up a previously painted white metal fig of Lord Cardigan 54mm, I think it was a Chota Sahib. Its painted in enamels so i will try the oven cleaner.
I have used automotive brake fluid to strip plastic and metal figures and other models. Although I have stripped a metal figure in about 2 hrs, for best results leave it over-night and then scrub with a toothbrush.... I realise it may be crude, but it works for me... :)


btw I've tested this on enamels and artist oils...
Watch out for paint strippers on resin. I have some resin guys on my desk that I use for practice painting and they're full of pits and holes from paint strippers. On metal you shouldn't have a problem, but I'd stay away from anything called Paint Stripper on resin or plastic. I can tell ya first hand, they pitted instantly!

LOL, i'm so good at stripping now, I can take a face off a painted figure without scaring the rest of the paint anywhere else on the figure. I do all my micro stripping with laquer thinner. That stuff is great because when it dries, it doesn't leave a film that you have to worry about washing off.
Okay. Since this was also on an earlier thread.... :lol:

I used brake fluid to remove the paint from a white metal musket. Worked really well. No scubbing needed after soaking for about 4 hours.

The downside is that I am left with a few ounces of brake fluid that I have to recycle.

So, I prefer the oven cleaner with the figure or part in a plastic bag. Then I just throw away the contaminated bag.

I use Mr Muscle (oven cleaner)

Put the figure in a plastic bag. Spray Mr Muscle in the bag and lay a knot in the bag to keep it tight.
After a half day a clean the figure with soap and a toothbrush.
It is almost clean, no primer just white metal.

Keith - Save the brake fluid and re-use it for another figure? It could stay in your garage in a sealed container for several uses. If you use plastic, make sure it's something similar to a plastic gas can. Don't want it to be dissolved slowly by the brake fluid.

Or use oven cleaner - whatever - just trying to be a semi-helpful chemist. :)

All the best,
I would just like to say "Thanks" to all you guys for the advice given. So I am off to the local supermarket to pick up some oven cleaner - I'll be ok as long as the wife doesn't think that I'll be cleaning the oven :)
Dan- Good point. I will plan to re-use the brake fluid again...

Also, your point on compatability is good too. I recently put GS Mr Metal thinner in a formerly used Taco Bell Salsa container.... Big mess as the container just melted away... :lol:
