A Fixture
Well you crazy figure piantin' cats and kittens, I wanted to give a shout-out about a new base place. Brandy Small over on is turnin' out some fantastic bases! Brandy is a long-time talented figure painter herself, and she has recently taken up turning wooden bases. Starting with the intention of turning bases for herself, she has amassed enough of these exotic wood beauties that she is now offering some for sale on her site. These are beautiful exotic and domestic wood bases turned and polished to perfection, I know, I own one! These are unique and colorful woods that will compliment both fantasy and historical pieces. Wonder over and take a look. They have a shopping cart set up and it's as easy as a couple of clicks to get one sent over for your next project! Most of these are one-of-a-kind pieces and totaly unique so be sure to go back often to check for updates and additions! The prices are very reasonable, and gennerally based on the exoticness (is that a word?) and rarity of the wood it's made of.
Painter's Quest Bases
Jay H.
Painter's Quest Bases
Jay H.