Hello to all. After many travel days I am finally sitting down to work.
My computer does not like the Gallery Scripts so I have little faith in the V-Bench scripts would work for me.
So, I am going to post work in progress in this section until someone says stop I guess.
I chose a flat that Gary Baca (and Trish) from Tulsa brought back for me from Germany several years ago. It already had been cleaned and primed with Humbrol white. This flat is based on an illustration by Catlin and I have a book with it in my library.
Yay, I can start painting right away.
It wasn't until I started painting that I realized how this flat is loosely based on the Catlin drawing. The design of the flat is not that great, missing many features of the original drawing. The face is not attractive and the perspective is off. The arms, one in particular, are grossly enlarged.
It usually isn't until I sit down to paint a flat that I notice all of these things. It is then that I start really studying the reference. I think I need to do this before choosing a project. I chose this flat out of convenience (I thought). Now I realize that there will be more work than necessary to make this an attractive piece. I will have to use paint to adjust some of the design anomalies. The good news is that it is painting up quite fast, so maybe I can get on to a better project soon.
I have attached 1 picture to this post and will post 3 more.
I am painting with Vallejo Acrylics.
Photo 1 is the primed flat and skin underpainted with Medium Flesh.
My computer does not like the Gallery Scripts so I have little faith in the V-Bench scripts would work for me.
So, I am going to post work in progress in this section until someone says stop I guess.
I chose a flat that Gary Baca (and Trish) from Tulsa brought back for me from Germany several years ago. It already had been cleaned and primed with Humbrol white. This flat is based on an illustration by Catlin and I have a book with it in my library.
Yay, I can start painting right away.
It wasn't until I started painting that I realized how this flat is loosely based on the Catlin drawing. The design of the flat is not that great, missing many features of the original drawing. The face is not attractive and the perspective is off. The arms, one in particular, are grossly enlarged.
It usually isn't until I sit down to paint a flat that I notice all of these things. It is then that I start really studying the reference. I think I need to do this before choosing a project. I chose this flat out of convenience (I thought). Now I realize that there will be more work than necessary to make this an attractive piece. I will have to use paint to adjust some of the design anomalies. The good news is that it is painting up quite fast, so maybe I can get on to a better project soon.
I have attached 1 picture to this post and will post 3 more.
I am painting with Vallejo Acrylics.
Photo 1 is the primed flat and skin underpainted with Medium Flesh.