Painting a Native American Flat


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I had to redefine the shadows a couple of times to get the feel I was looking for so you might notice the difference between the 2 photos. I had to sort of forcibly re-draw one of the folds hanging down from the shoulder and bring it forward.
I wish the pattern would have been left out of the engraving instead of so deeply embossed. It would have been easier to paint in and correct problems without the deeply embossed lines.
I will bump up the contrast in the shadows and highligts later when I am in the finishing stage of the figure.
I have been waiting until the last steps to force contrast because I can better see where contrast is needed to emphasise or de-emphasise things to balance out the figure.
It will be a few days before I get more pictures ready, hopefully Sunday. I need to finish this figure by Wednesday as we are going down to Southern Calif. on Thursday. Wish me luck, I am going to need it!


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Oh the blue is Intense Blue darkened with Blue/Brown mix and highlighted with a little Light Grey.
Originally posted by Flatsy@Mar 2 2006, 12:48 PM
I wish the pattern would have been left out of the engraving instead of so deeply embossed. It would have been easier to paint in and correct problems without the deeply embossed lines.

Penny, Thanks for the update on the flat. I have to agree with you in regards to some of the detail engravers include to "help" the painter. Taking these things out would be a project itself..~Gary
Hello, I have made quite a bit of progress on the flat. I even have to correct the title, it is an Iroquois, not an Osage. It is from a plate by Catlin with several figures and I misidentified the figure.
Anyways, I am going to post the last series of pictures before SCAHMS. I have to leave town tomorrow so I will be finishing this figure on the road. But it is far enough along that you can get the idea. I will post a finished image after I get back from Southern California.
The next image is work on the moccasins. The pallete is:
977 Desert Yellow, adding 847 Dark Sand to lighten and 871 Leather Brown to darken. Photo shows shading with Desert Yellow/Leather Brown mix and highlight with Desert Yellow/Dark Sand highlight.


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The next photo shows Darker shading with Leather Brown.


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The next photo shows highlighting the moccasins with Dark Sand.


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Penny , i have been admiringyour work before , but seeing you doing an sbs on flatsise really a joy . Your explanations on every step is true help. I have avoided flatsfor some reason , despite the fact i like them . Ithink ill have to get down with one to see.

Thanks for providing the inspiration

The next set of photos is finishing the skin. Going back to the original flesh mixes, I adjusted the face shape and the arms and hands a little with a mix of flesh mix and Red Leather. Rehighlighted with lighter mixes. Glaze with Red Leather. Added Old Rose to cheeks and lips. I added reflected light along the inside shadow area of the arm that is hanging down.


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Glazed skin with a darker mix with the Prussian Blue/SS Cam Black Brown.
Palette for skin painting:
Pastel Blue and White, Flat Yellow and White. After skin paint is added, more shadow glazes.
Painted loincloth and hair and dark feather with Dark Prussian Blue/SS Cam Black Brown mix.


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More shadow glazes with dark mix and adding Burnt Cadmium Red.
Final picture, palette:
990 Lt Grey, White, SS Cam Black Brown, DK Prussian Blue, Leather Brown, Brown Sand.
Washes on Loincloth in shadows of SS Cam Black Brown/Dk Prussian Blue Mix. Leather Brown onto higher areas of Loincloth, alternating with shadow again and highlighting with Brown Sand.
Mixed Lt Grey and Blue/Brown mix to get dark shade for silver jewelry and blade. Lt Grey on sashes shaded with Blue/Brown mix. Highlighted silver areas with lighter grey mix. Dark sand hatchet handle.
Thinned down Blue/Brown mix and washed several times over all shadows on the figure.

As I said before, this is the last photo for at least 14 days. I won't have computer access for a while.
Happy Painting and hope to see everyone at SCAHMS!
-penny meyer


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Hello Costas! Thanks for the reply!
I am glad that you are enjoying the paint-along with the flat. I take pictures and keep notes as I go so it is easy to put up progress when the computer is working. The pictures help me see things from a different angle and to see things I have missed. I wish they were better pictures but I only have a small and old digital camera.
I would like to encourage you to try painting a flat.
Try to pick one that is maybe from an illustration you have good reference and just try to copy the original artist's style of painting. This is a good way to learn to paint a flat.
Hopefully I will be productive this year and get several more done and can post more in progress to inspire more people to try.
Have a great Day!


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Awesome work Penny. I have really enjoyed your steps in painting flats and hope we can convince you to do another. Good Luck at Scamms.
Here is the last 2 pics of the flat. I had to finish painting on the road and photos are even worse than before but here they are anyway.
Palette for this photo: Intense Blue, Pastel Blue, Lt. Grey, White, Carmine Red, Old Rose, Mix of Old Rose and Intense Blue (grey-lavender), Prussian Blue, Burnt Cadmium Red. Alternating back and forth with grey, white, lavender, intense blue, pastel blue, prussian blue (blues in sashes). Old Rose, carmine red, burnt cad red, and burnt cad red and prussian blue mix (reds and shadows on sashes). Washed burnt cad red on pink feathers, greywashes on white feathers. Red and blue beadwork on shoes and legs done with same sash colors.


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Final pic, finished figure. I'll post 2 closer ups after this post.
Palette: Lt Grey, Lt Flesh, SS Cam Black Brown, Dk Prussian Blue, White, Old Rose, Carmine Red, Red Leather, Burnt Cad Red. Worked on feathers, beads on neck, silver metals, hair. Hair highlighted with Dk Sand over a browner mix of the dk mix I use. Aftre drying, washes of a bluer dk mix in shadows. Mixes of SS Cam Black Brown and Prussian Blue for washes in the shadows over all the figure. Very last, washed deepest shadows of figure with black washes. Highlighted highest highlights with white.


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These photos are too harsh, the shadows and highs are distracting from the painting.
A surprise for me, this figure won a gold at SCAHMS on Saturday! Yay!
Hopefully someone else can get a better photo.
I'll post progressions of the next projects in a couple of weeks.
Have a great day!


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