Yes Marc agree and that was my plan , would you go paint the eyes first ? Base coat with acrylics ? Marc would you mind sharing how you go about it , what colours you use and the best way to get the best results ???? thanks
After priming with a very cheap primer (Halfords or Action) I let it dry for 24 hours.
then a basecoat with acrylic all around, eyes etc.
Then I start with the acrylic base coat and lighten that up with some white.
Painting the eyeball and let it dry. Then a very small dark line under the upper eyelid (burnt umber) and the under eyelid with burntumber + white.
After drying a paint a small black half circle leaving a very small white line at the underside.
If this is dry I paint a color (blue, blue grey, green or brown) for the iris. If that's dry and it is not a bust (cant paint a pupil into that small area) i paint a black dot into the middle of the iris. If there is space enough
i do a very small dot of white for the catchlight.
After drying i make a wash of red and white and do a small dot into the corners of the eye. When all is dry i do a coat of highgloss varnish up the whole eyeball.
Then I start painting with the oils.
My palette: Skintone from Shminke, burnt sienna, prussian or french blue to kill the warm tone, brown madder alizaron, magenta and white.
Mixing the skintone and burnt sienna till i get a satisfied light brown skintone. If the color is to warm for me i mix in a very small amount of blue. Not to much otherwise you get a grey.
I paint it on the face and avoid that nothing comes into the eyeball. Also painting the upper and under eyelid. I paint as thin as possible. If its not enough I do it over again the next day.
Then I start shading and highlighting. Shading is with the brown madder alizaron and small amounts of magente. The magenta is on the cheeks, ears, nosepoint.
Highlighting is with white.
All is done wet in wet.
After drying you can do some points over again. The first step must be done with a great contrast between dark and light. Within 24 hours you have the half off contrast.
Good luck.