painting injured eye


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
I am building soldiers templar knight the one with the scar over his left eye. I painted both eyes as per usual but wanted to add a thin film over the destroyed eye any techniques/color ideas?
This suggestion may lead you to some gruesome discoveries, but go over to Google or Alta Vista and do an image search for something like "eye wound" or "eye injury." You might find something useful.

(I had surgery on my wrist back in November, and the scar now serves as an awesome reference for representing scars on a figure!)
I did a pirate bust several years ago with one blind eye. I painted the eye normally, and then put several thin, transparent coats of off-white acrylic over the eye to simulate a cataract. The underlying eye is visible through the "mist" of the white. I then did a scar from the forehead to the top of the cheek using some lighter flesh tones (to explain the eye damage).

Think of a few great movies that have characters with damaged eyes and go for that look. My inspiration was Ragnar in The Vikings (Kirk Douglas).

good luck.