Sci-fi adventurer woman


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A Fixture
Jan 18, 2023
Hi all, I think I’m finished with this and wanted to open it up to critique. It’s my first attempt at a female face, I’m reasonably happy with the colour scheme but overall it’s just not quite ‘on the money’ for me. Any thoughts welcome. Mostly painted with acrylics although I used mr hobby iron for the metal work with ‘polished metal’ pigment over it.

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Thanks Bill, I know what you mean with the cape. I wanted to find a way to use the Scale 75 set that works for me because I'm really intrigued by their use of purple for shadows etc but I think I shied away from the orange for highlights. I think you're right and I should just push them a little further to see what happens.
Looks very nice to me.. I cannot see the face close up, but personally I feel your being a bit hard on yourself.. They day we all find perfection in what we do, will be the day we retire from the hobby..

Nice work, I think you've made a good job of the hair, blonde hair is notoriously difficult to get right.
Cracking piece Stefan, the face is really rather good, female faces are far harder than male ones. They demand a softer palette and more subtlety which I think you have achieved rather well.

As for the reds, well as a colour it doesn't reflect very much so highlights are less than with other bright colours. Orange or yellow with the mid tone works well, my personal approach is to overdo the highlight a bit and then go back with a base coat wash. This should kill the orange but leave a lighter red. I was once taught that there is purple in every shadow, right at the back in the darkest corners.

Cheers Simon
Hi Stefan

Well done to you ....females are never easy to do ......liking the hair colour against the flesh colour and the metallics

Re cape , I agree with the above comments , push the highs a touch more

Thanks for sharing

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A day late and a $ short, but I'm catchin up. She looks great actually, but I would agree with Bill, feather in some more highlights on the red a bit. Otherwise, if it still bothers you, sleep on it a few more nights, it'll pop for you eventually.
You did some great work there!
BUT I think what is throwing you off is the color values of the red cape with the skin tone flesh colors. Perhaps more ruddy [brown scale-gray] complexion with sharper highlights may smooth everything out.
