Panem et Circenses - Finished


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Stephen, Frank, Guy, Artur Kenneth, Xenofon, Janne, Gary, Roc, Peter and Marc,

Thank you all for your comments. They are much appreciated and extend that christmas feeling!

Johan ;)

Good piece. If I may, I would like to point out a few things I observed.

The figure in red looks as if he's "planted" into the ground instead of standing on it.

I see where you were going with the "dirt" coming over the tops of the feet. But the ground dosn't look "disturbed" enough. Also, the feet/ankles look far too clean for men who have been sparing.

The blood looks too"Hollywood" IMO. I feel it would look better if it were in "streams" going in different directions. This would give a "feeling" of movement.
Some patches of dust/dirt on the wound would look cool too. And over the body in spots showing that they may have fallen at some point in the dual.

Veins on the biceps/arms wouldn't hurt either.

The red clothing (sorry, don't know the correct term) looks too shiny. Could be the lighting though.

The armor looks fantastic. No critique there.

I feel these little things was the difference between a silver and gold.

Good luck with your next project.
