I have finally put this one to bed after a chewy couple of weeks sessions getting it to this point. You can view the WIP here:WIP - French Colonial Para, Indo China 1953/4 | planetFigure | Miniatures
Figure from AC Models, sculpted by Andrew Cairns
Painted in Vallejo and Scalecolour Acrylics, with GW washes
Base by Pete's Bases. Groundwork is kit base built over with Miliput, dusted with pastels and static grass.
Operation "Hirondelle" was a parachute drop by Bigeard's 6th Colonial Paras into Lang Son area to find and destroy Viet Minh arms and food caches. It was successful in its aim. Here's how our man turned out. Comments and critique most welcome.

Thanks for looking in!
Figure from AC Models, sculpted by Andrew Cairns
Painted in Vallejo and Scalecolour Acrylics, with GW washes
Base by Pete's Bases. Groundwork is kit base built over with Miliput, dusted with pastels and static grass.
Operation "Hirondelle" was a parachute drop by Bigeard's 6th Colonial Paras into Lang Son area to find and destroy Viet Minh arms and food caches. It was successful in its aim. Here's how our man turned out. Comments and critique most welcome.

Thanks for looking in!