Merry Christmas everyone
Been busy with a Pegaso 75mm Knight of the Middle Ages
Have to say very disappointed with the casting massive gaps to fill which I don’t mind.But over all poor casting.
Is there anyone who does this era in resin.
Thanks I might if I didn’t know it was a Pegaso figure for sure.I would I have thought it was a cheap copy.
Pegaso has a great service. But if it is a recast, you shouldn't complain here that Pegaso isn't as good as you aspect.
I never had a disapointment figure from Pegaso. Casting is great, also the resin figures..
But a Middle Age knight in 75 mm is in my opinion always a metal....not a resin.
We here at PF hate recasters. So if you buy a recast, don't complain.....its your own choice if you bought it.
But don't throw to Pegaso.
I read it the otherway. Sorry.
Never had a issue with fitting of Pegaso. There is always more cleaning then with a resin, and there are indeed some gaps. I think it is normal when using the molds alot of time.
If you would like to buy excellent Middle Age knights in 75 mm, please have a look at Mercury models. The resin castings from them are just perfect.