Pegaso 90mm Greek Started


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Anders Heintz

A Fixture
Aug 23, 2003
Dallas, Texas
Hey Guys!

Here is a little progress on the greek. I tried Jaumes method on the leg protectors, and Im not sure how I like it, I like the effect, but I am not sure if it is convincing enough. I think it would work if I could get it right, but I thought I would ask you guys what you think of it before I redo it (or maybe not, depending on what you guys think).

So please let me know what you think of it, if it sucks please tell me :)




Weel dear Anders , its not bad but i dont know if it is convincing enough to recreate bronze. i d like it to be a bit more ...metallic.
maybe trying some more on the method?


I'm by no means any expert, but I think the color is about right, just maybe a wash or two with a metallic paint to give it that metal appearance? ( Liquitex Bronze medium or Ceramcoat Bronze). I always struggle with metals. Good Luck.

Brad Spelts
anders, my friend, I like it although it's a bit too dull for me. My taste are not neccesariliy yours though. I know that sometimes when I gloss coat something I lose those hard edges. Isn't that what your'e after here? Soft/smooth edges to represent metal. I agree with a wash of a metalic color too. Should bring it to where you want it. That's of course if you haven't already stripped it clean :lol:. Do you have the old Military Modeling where they reviewd this kit. Or at least I thought they did. In any case, I look forward to seeing you paint this.

Jim Patrick
I like it but I think that the highest highlights are not quite at the right place. This is the big problem with this kind of "trompe l'oeil", it has to be perfect. I tried it myself and I can tell you I don't have the talent of jaume to put the right light at the right place. But I think you're near it. Maybe you could add a few green shadows to add some depth...
This a good try, keep it up.
Thanks for the feedback!

I think I will play with it as it looks like it has atleast some potential. I like the effect a lot, especially on the second picture, and I think if I got the whole thing to look like that (his left legs needs to be tweaked or redone) I would be happy.

I am not sure that a metalic wash would do anything but make it look weird as it would ba hard to get a uniform coat of metal pigments. Maybe I will strip it and redo it in metals :(

Will play more and show you how it goes!
anders , i think it has a lot of potential. There are a few things I would adjust though ( not redo!! ). I wouls add a metalic colour to the base mix. Only enough to give that hint of metal in the final result. We don't want more. I would also , with toning , adjust the colour transition of some areas.It seems that in certain areas the transition is a little edgy. Making them softer will surely help. At least I think.
Well that's my penny's worth.Hope it helps

Stephen Mallia
Hi buddy

I agree with my pF fellows, it has a lot of potential. I also think that if I have to paint metalic parts in a big scale fig I would prefer metalic colors... (or maybe just Hardy to paint those for me :lol: )

Keep us posted, k? ;)
Hi Anders,

I would like to budge my opinion on this one, as I have that classic figure and its a futute :lol: project..........

I agree with most of the opinions, even though I do like how it looks so far, but as most of them said, it does not look metallic somehow.............I would have prefered to use your method on cloth ( braiding etc) as I prefer to threat metal as metal. Steve made a significant point imho ;) to introduce metallic paint in the basic colour!

Beautiful work just the same :)

To's too late. Anders stripped it already. It's probably already re-primered and if I know him, it has another coat of paint on it too. How far have you gotten now Anders?

Jim Patrick
Ander's,sorry for the late reply.
I'm sorry to hear that you already stripped the figure, The base color for bronze looked ok, all you had to do is give it several washes of Liquitex acrylic irredecent bronze diluted with water and a drop of dish washing detergent , these repeated washes will add a metalic look to it.
When this step is completely dry give it a medium shade of Raw umber and for deep shadows Sepia.
For highlights you can dry brush the extremities with testors gold or you can rub some highlights on with gold powders,very sparingly.
You can substitute the oil colors with acrilics,since I know you paint in acrylics.

Keep up the good work.


Roc. :)
Hey Guys!

It is reprimed and ready but decided to go out and party last night instead of repainting it! But I will probably get it done tonight. What I have decided to try is to make a new base mix of English Uniform + Gloss Black + Bronze then work it the same way as I did before. We will see how that turns out and if that fails I will just use some Mr Metalizer and be done with it.

Thanks for all the suggestions!


I agree, it is a very classical figure IMO, great pose and superb sculpting. Would love to see you version!

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