Pegaso August Releases


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
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Pegaso august releases.
Information in reply.

Guy, the Mohawk Warrior is for you ;)



Pretorian Centurion
Item 75-029
75mm. white metal
Sculpted by Atelier


Panzergrenadier "Hitlerjugend"
Item PT-030
1:35 resin series
Sculpted by Tony Williams


Panzer assault gunner
Item PT-029
1:35 resin series
Sculpted by Yoshitaka Hirano


Mohawk Warrior
Item 54-227 "Elite Series"
54mm. white metal
Sculpted by Benoit Cauchies

Roc. :)
The Mohawk is nice. i like the shorter breechcloth, and most of all the fact that he's bare chested. Woodland Indians wearing shirts have been so done to death it makes this a well needed breath of fresh air.~Gary
Just curious, the Pretorian has a 75mm product code and is listed as a 54mm! I'm guessing its a 75mm?!
P.S. I'm really starting to like their 75mm series, the size is perfect and their subjects have been great as well!
oh gosh another Roman and another indian, isn't it time that all that lovely sculpting talent at Pegaso was put to some proper use.

Yes they are nice figures, but we are missing so much, why not do the Germans in 75mm, or the indian for that matter, wheres the British 19th century stuff, imagine a 75mm British Napoleonic Redcoat done by Mr Bruno.

Just seems a shame to me, I know Luca has to pay the bills and I know these will sell, I was just wishing we would see some different stuff from Pegaso, after all Andrea are trying to do the different stuff, why shouldn't they.

"another Roman, another Indian... why not...75mm British Napoleonic Redcoat"
I presume this is one of those 'degustibus non disputandum est' opinions
I would like to offer mine too - I think this pick of Roman and Mohawk is fine, I just wish less Nazi Germans, more 16-17th century European and (non-British) other figurines.
More ancient figurines, and less anything British or English. It is so boring already and gives a false impression that they were oh! so important during the military history of this world. Therefore, please no more Redcoats of napoleonic period. After all it was the Germans who broke Napoleon's will during the 1814 campaing and defeated him again at Mont Saint Jean/ Waterloo, and do not forget the Napleonic Russians who gave us the unforgettable year 1812, with much help from the grandfather Frost. Down with Wellington, up with general Palafox and Spanish guerillas of the Napoleonic period.
More Renaissance figures, a must!
Pegaso - artistically speaking - some fine work !
Oh... no.
Another Roman
Another Brit
Another Viking
Another Napolianic
Another German SS
Another US marine
Another "what sells"
Another batch of complaints from modelers who's interested in the rest.

I have to point out that the business is as difficult as it is to make and sell the
already market-proven items. If there's a manufacturer who's brave enough
to release a figure in a less popular subject (such as NKPA infantry from Korean War),
may God be with him! If more modelers support such figures and convince manufaturers
to make more of them, then Long Live our hobby!

Its funny too...

I have spoken to several manufacurers about different subjects. They all pretty much say the same thing: People ask for it, but yet they dont buy it. So where is the incentive to make something rather unusual if the crowd who asked for it dont buy it?

Bleh, didnt mean to keep going with this negative vibe thing...
you can please SOMEof the people SOME of the time, but you will never please ALL of the people ALL of the time.

While I don't know exact numbers, I do know that the cost of producing a kit is already very high, and that a manufacturer who produces 2 or 3 duds will be in deep trouble.

While I do not havbe an interest in the subjects listed, I take it in stride, it'll only be another month or so to see if they make anything I would enjoy...