Pegaso Celtic Pride Bust


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Again lovely work, with your limited palette. The results are very impressive! Now remind me again, as to why your limiting your colour base? The methodology and application is clear, however are you not hamstringing yourself with these limitations?

Me, I would use everything I could get my paws on colour wise!


Pleased you like it mate (y)

To answer to your question....working with transparent colours is very different to using opaque....and is best explained this way......
When you mix 2 or 3 opaque colours together you get a given shade...which is usually governed by the strongest pigment in the mix...e.g. red+white = pink...but still the red is in control.
Mix transparent's together...and each colour remains more or less the same strength within the whole....until that thin it back per my technique.
Then...instead of the strongest pigment controlling the will get a gradation of colours showing through...hence you need not use so many colours...but use this technique to give you a range.
This is best illustrated by the recent 'Gobliness' bust flesh the base green there were only two colours in the mix...but appear to be more when thinned back.
