Completed Pegaso Miniatures 200mm Praetorian guard figure.


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Dear Gary, thank you for the lovely comments over the Roman and yes, I do agree with your earlier comment about the figure. It certainly is one of the best figures ever made. As for the painting present the sandals are driving me up the wall but we'll get there eventually!
One problem is holding a figure of this size whilst painting him. Although it is relatively light being made of resin it does fatigue your hand after a while. Recently I have acquired a Veritas carvers vice via a car boot sale. I can now screw the wooden base to the vice and move the figure into a number of pre-determined positions and lock it in position, now leaving both hands free...bliss!
Hi Paul

Great to see the updates a fine start on the red ...very vibrant indeed

Not my period but there’s lots to enjoy on this and the painting is highlighting this

Be interesting to see how the armour is going to look

Happy benchtime

Hi Paul,
Having only just joined the Planeteers I am going through some of the vBench figures that interest me and, having recently completed a 1/6th 3D Roman Centurion bust, thought I would 'drop in' on this one....and I really like what I see straight away, especially the gold/brass work on the gladius and the helmet. I have now gone and ordered a few inks of the company that you have mentioned and will add these to my ever growing collection of acrylic, oil paints and the various inks already 'on the bench'! My figure will appear in a few months time, after I have done the articles on the first three completed.
Nice virtual workbench too!

*Oops, forgot to say....really liked the shield details too.
Dear Kim,
thank you for the kind words over the figure. Progress on him has recently been very slow as I have been building a large greenhouse and I also play classical guitar which is very time demanding! However, the big glass monster is now built and full of tomato's, so this coming week I will start work on him again. I have more skin work to complete, especially on the arms and the legs. Other than that it's just the base groundwork. All in all I think he may be finished by the end of the month.

My next figure is a WWII WAAF as a nod to my wife's mother who served with them in WWII on an AA Battery defending the Liverpool Docks.

I look forward to seeing your work in the future. I hope that you enjoy your time here as much as I have. The collective knowledge of this group is staggering. If you have any questions just ask away. Be it a uniform detail, figure availability or painting technique, somebody on here will reply to you. Have a lovely weekend.
Dear Simon, thank you for your kind comments. He has been taunting me to finish him for a number of weeks. Now the greenhouse assembly is over I can pay more attention to my painting and following this site!
Kind regards,
Hi Paul

Well done on finishing this , perhaps post final pics in Completed forum

There’s a lot of red on this and you’ve handled it well ....despite guitar playing and greenhouse building

Looking forward to seeing the next

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Have fun @ the bench

Very nice work all round, great painting and excellent presentation.
Thank you Melanie. His base is now dry and he is in the cabinet! I have just started a WWII WAAF figure and will post more when I get time.

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