Pegaso Models June Release


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A Fixture
Dec 27, 2005
Beccles UK
Teutonic Knight

SCULPTOR: Angel Terol
PAINTER: Fabrizio Russo
MATERIAL: White Metal
SIZE: 90mm



SCULPTOR: Viktor Konnov
PAINTER: Danilo Cartacci
MATERIAL: White Metal
SIZE: 75mm


French Zouave, 1866-85

SCULPTOR: Carl Reid PAINTER: Massimo Pasquali
MATERIAL: White Metal
SIZE: 75mm


Pegaso web site

I like the Matador very much (despite the unpleasant subject / 'sport') and as with all figures by Konnev it will be fabulous.

Nice to see it in the larger scale of 75mm and one I shall probably add it to the stash.

The other 2 are also nice especially the Zouave which will doubtless be popular with A.C.W. fans. The Teuton just (IMHO) looks a little too similar in pose/subject to what Pegaso have already released in their Medieval range. It will doubtless be superb however given Angel Terol has sculpted it.

A very interesting and varied month for us Pegaso fans!
I'll be grabbing the Zoauve since I paint selected pieces from the 75mm Pegaso Range. Of note the 75mm Hallberdier of the Spanish Guard is a must have figure as well I just recieved this and it looks like a treat to paint.
I like the Matador but I find the sport disturbing so I'll pass on this subject. The 90mm Knight is too much of the same old theme-definately pass- that and the pricing of the 90mm stuff is getting crazy. I love knights and I seem to be getting bored due to the overkill of the same old tired themes .There are so many other medevil knight subjects that could be covered.
I'm surprised that any right minded person would like the matador. OK we paint miniatures that represent man's contempt for fellow man. But how can the butchering of an animal be classed as sport?
SORRY But I think "The Matador" will be not a success vignette in Spain due a lot of inaccuracies on dress -TRAJE DE LUCES-, accesories ( head-dress -MONTERA-, cape -MULETA-, sword -ESTOQUE-e...) What a pity !!!! A lost oportunity to give more fun to Spanish modellers.

Note: "Bull-fighting" is not an sport in my country. It´s called an ART
by "aficionados". Perhaps they are right, I don´t think so. I don´t like
killing animals.
Regards from Spain.
SORRY But I think "The Matador" will be not a success vignette in Spain due a lot of inaccuracies on dress -TRAJE DE LUCES-, accesories ( head-dress -MONTERA-, cape -MULETA-, sword -ESTOQUE-e...) What a pity !!!! A lost oportunity to give more fun to Spanish modellers.

Note: "Bull-fighting" is not an sport in my country. It´s called an ART
by "aficionados". Perhaps they are right, I don´t think so. I don´t like
killing animals.
Regards from Spain.

But how can the butchering of an animal be classed as art.
I remember a famous book : THE ART OF WAR

How can anybody call ART to WAR ???? There are people killing people
( a lot of people, and animals too...) :confused::cool:
Love Carls Zouave. Just don't like the Teutonic, it's the cape. I know it creates a sense of animation but it just looks unnatural to me too many folds and swirls for my taste.
How about some more knights without capes.
Love Carls Zouave. Just don't like the Teutonic, it's the cape. I know it creates a sense of animation but it just looks unnatural to me too many folds and swirls for my taste.
How about some more knights without capes.

AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!! No more knights! PLEASE!!!

How many of those bloody things do we need? I don't care for them and would rather see the fine artists at Pegaso put their efforts into other subjects which have not been done to death already, repeatedly and redundantly, repeating in redundancy.

This is the knight of my discontent......

Bravo Mike! There has to be one kit of a knight for every one who ever really existed. Concerning that Zouave, that is not an ACW Zouave. While there were many "Zouave" units during the Civil War they were just a craze that practically disappeared at the end of the war. European Zouaves endured through much of the 19th and on into the 20th centuries.--
Toreo is a kind of art so complex that need a very long explanation for proper understanding. It has been developed for some hundred years.

Don´t understand why somebody can be shocked by a torero- who kills bills- and delidghted with Gengis Khan -killed many men- or historical figures of that kind. I don´t bother none of them, this is just a hobby.

The figures are nice but, unfortunately, the matador looks like somebody in a costume of torero.

Just the jacket... its a paded and starched garment very stiff and shorter than that of the figure. There are some more innacuracies.
I'm a great admirer of Carl Reid but wish he had done the Zouave in a different pose. The pose is too similar to the Sapper Corporal released by Elite Miniatures years back which several other manufacturers have also tried to imitate.

Would also love to see less figures with ramrod backs and instead having that hunched tired look. It must be exhausting for soldiers carrying gear out there in the field for hours.

~ Basil
I love the Zouve and the pose......I think I said this in an earlier thread...but wanted to say it again here...
I'll be picking this one up....
and I still love knights, just bored of the same subjects and poses...perhaps we could get some new subject
matter for knights since it is ever popular......
Thank you to those who mentioned the Zouave specifically!!

I do agree with Mike, Del etc there seems to be an abundence of knights. But all the while folks are buying then market forces will dictate and never more so than when we have an economic down turn, most companies regardless of product lines, revert back to the tried and tested!

I've posted a couple of images of the master of the Zouave, together with the painting it was taken from. This I hope explains the pose!



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