People's Fun Painting (PFP) post!!!!!!!!!


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A Fixture
Oct 14, 2004
Hello all fellow Planet Figure members.

Well the day that you all waited has finally arrived.

Here is the post that we can talk about our progress of the public workshop (without pictures of course), the figure that we all chose to paint, and finally the time frame of this project.

And the winner is....... Romeo - Knight Templar. 54-056 with 13 votes

The decided time of this project will be 3 months, starting from 1st of June , until 31st of August.

On 1st of September we will create a post in painting section we our works. Remember 3 photos will be needed (front, back, and a general one with the groundwork showing clearly).

Here I present you the voting results:

Romeo - Knight Templar. 54-056 (13) Votes

Pegaso - French Revolutions "San Cullote". 54-220 (7) Votes

Seil Models - Landsknecht with Beer (3) Votes

Lattorre - Saxon warrior. LM-5415 (3) Votes

Elite - Viking warrior. PS/54.29 (2) Vote

Pegaso - Second Liieutnant with Flag, Northern Virginia Army, CSA 1863-65. 54-199 (2) Votes

Pegaso - Louis Brun de Villeret, ADC of Mareshall Soul. 54-224 (2) Votes

Pegaso - Onondaga warrior. 54-223 (2) Votes

Pegaso - Samurai, late Muromachi period (1333-1573). 54-217 (2) Votes

Andrea - Thor. SG-F121 (1) Vote

Andrea - Ligne Lancer. S7-F25 (1) Vote

Elite - 72nd. Highlanders Sgt. Afanistan 1879. 54.31 (1) Vote

Infinity Shape - Pirate. IS-54UV001 (1) Vote

Infinity Shape - Last of the Mohicans (1) Vote

Latorre - Northumbrian Warrior. LM-5402 (1) Vote

Pegaso - Russian Archer XIV century. 54-189 (1) Vote

Pegaso - Gold Digger, XIX century. 54-205 (1) Vote

Romeo - Gioacchino Murat 1767-1815. RM 54-57 (1) Vote

Romeo - Greek "Siceliota" Hoplite - V Century B.C. RM 54-55 (1) Vote

Seil Models - Last Crusader. 54031 (1) Vote

Seil Models - Scorpion Warrior. SH54033 (1) Vote

I would like to kindly ask from all the participants not to post any photos of their progress either here, or any other separate post.
In this post you can talk about anything you like regarding the state of your figure, tease other members :p etc etc.

Finally, me and Costas would like to thank everyone for their attention, help and participation.


Xenofon + Costas
Additionally to Xenofon,i would like to say some things as reminders and "guidelines" to avoid any kind of misunderstanding

1. This not a competition , of any kind, there is no other prize than the joy and pride of entering and finishingthe course.

2. Try to think out of the square and see alternative solutions that might occur. Thus a small amount of time could go over the reference researche .

3. Any possible question that might be rised through the rpocedure will be posted here, and openly discussed , but we mainly will stick on what we aggree the previous days on the initial posting .

4. It would be really good not to post here or elsewhere pictures, so the element of surprise will really be strong , and we will be anticipating to see people's work .

5. We will be waiting also for Gino Poppe to announce here the special offer on the winning figure , as he offered to do , so people that have not already got this one into their gray army could wait a bit and get it in a better price .

6. I wanna wish a good success and FUN to all of you , and i hope actions like this bring the members closer

Keep Safe Guys
Let the fun Begin !!!!

It's a good choice, yeah some more white to paint ;) !!

Like JP said, let's paint it, after buying it of course hehe

Great let the painting begin. First I have to order my figure. I hope the Red Lancers has enough in stock? Once again count me in.
As I said before I want to support this great fun project as much as possible, so I will offer the figure at a special price for all planeteers who want to participate (only one figure per planeteer though). Romeo sells it for 32.50 euro. Our normal price is 21.50 euro and now you can buy it at the special price of 19.50 euro. The price doesn't include shippingcosts from Belgium.

Anyone intrested can e-mail me at: [email protected]

Let the fun begin,


Just ordered mine to Gino. I really hope that it is gonna delivered before the 1 off june. It is short day when they are not in stock.
Well, we see, and i have something in mind.......:lol: :lol:

I just sent my email to Gino.

The wife says I never know when I have too much on my plate!

SIGH.... I don't plan to eat it, just PAINT it!! :lol:

Kevin D.
Mine is on the way already and as far as i know Xenofon's is alsocoming !!!!! I guess at the kick off ,many of us will be ready to splash some paint !!!!
Hello and good morning to all of your.

First off all I would like to Thank Gino for his kind offer for all the participants. Thanks a lot Gino.

Secondly it's nice to see most of the participants waiting for their figure to arrive ( I will have mine on Friday) and be impatient on when you will start.

Thirdly.. Costas my friend.. are you ready to eat my dust once again?? AHHAHAHAHHAAHA

Hi Costas - I hope you are gonna try that snow out on this one

Hi Phil - definately back to land of the figure then mate...?..... :lol:

Great this isn’t it......

Dave hi mate . Iwas too busy theseday sunning to catch everything toleave for Athens Show . I used snow on a fun project on a bug figure that little one painted and is fantastic , just yesterday . I ll be showing soon pictures . Thanks a lot Mate , And this one is also canditate for snow work !!!!!
