A Fixture
Crow Warrior 1850
90mm Resin
10 parts
Sculpted by Le-Van Quang
Painted by Le-Van Quang
I recieved my copy of Quang's latest figure in the mail and was excited to see his new series of 90mm start out with a Crow Warrior.
The box is smaller than his usual size and it gave me an idea of something new and exciting inside. The box had a sleeve around the outside and was lightly glued so you could remove the sleeve and have a complete painting guide with all views of the figure.
I took my xacto knife and carefully slide it into the glued area of the box art sleeve and once removed it unfolded and gave me a great painting guide with all views shown. This can be later filed away in my reference folder for future use and reference.
Now you have it in front of you instead of printed right on the box, as so many others do.
The figure is comprised of 10 parts all cast in light gray resin.
The first part I picked up was the head. Clearly and finely detailed Crow warrior that cries to be painted.
** review continues in next posting **
Crow Warrior 1850
90mm Resin
10 parts
Sculpted by Le-Van Quang
Painted by Le-Van Quang

I recieved my copy of Quang's latest figure in the mail and was excited to see his new series of 90mm start out with a Crow Warrior.
The box is smaller than his usual size and it gave me an idea of something new and exciting inside. The box had a sleeve around the outside and was lightly glued so you could remove the sleeve and have a complete painting guide with all views of the figure.

I took my xacto knife and carefully slide it into the glued area of the box art sleeve and once removed it unfolded and gave me a great painting guide with all views shown. This can be later filed away in my reference folder for future use and reference.

Now you have it in front of you instead of printed right on the box, as so many others do.

The figure is comprised of 10 parts all cast in light gray resin.

The first part I picked up was the head. Clearly and finely detailed Crow warrior that cries to be painted.

** review continues in next posting **