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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Newark England
Hail Planeteers
I must bring to your notice the obvious attempts at "Piracy" again on e-bay
Have a look at these links and beware! Once again an attempt to undermine honest manufactures who make our hobby the great passtime that it is! Very tempting I know but
Do the honest thing and ignore these modern day bucaneers and support the magnificent sculptors who bring us such great joy




http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 :angry:
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Well done John for posting this, this sort of thing makes my blood boil!!!!!
We all know figure manufactures don't make huge profits, but imagine if a company like Pegaso got so fed up with this blatant copying that they ceased to produce new figures. Yes just imagine no monthly new figure releases, I am struggling to imagine this scenario. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE dont be tempted by these pirate copies, and if you are tempted "SHAME ON YOU".

Lets all support the stamping out of this practice, and well done John for bringing it to our attention.

Cheers Steve Walker
This is the same seller we've already before - Model-in = model-in-toy = many other aliases.
Anyone that sees this figure in resin just has to know it's rip-off.
I don't buy anything off of e-bay, but can't you just fill out a feedback and state in there that this is a pirated copy? Seems to me that if you could do that and just overload the buyers feedback that they would be "outed" for what they are.

I tried to report it as a counterfeit item but you have to be registered on e-bay, something I refuse to do. Sorry guys, I won't be a party to any company that facilitates theft.

I guess its going to take one of those grassroots movements of e-bay users to hog up their e-mail and abuse reports to have something done.

I guess the other thing to do is to flood the FTC or Customs with e-bay complaints both against users and e-bay to bring this type of thing to a head.
Ebay will pull counterfeits off the market, but first it must be proven to them that a copyright infringement has occured. This would involve legal action by ( in this case ) the manufacturer. As a collector you can voice your complaints but without legal action it will be just about so much hot air. The cost would be absurdly high trying to bring these people to court ( so many different countries involved ).
You'll tend to see no action by Europeans companies ( like Andrea or Pegaso ) since they have a rep of copyright infringement all their own ( i.e. movie characters, comic book characters et al ). Apparently some people think that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You cannot post feedback in ebay unless you're registered and have either made a purchase of the particular item or sold it. You can only post one feedback per transaction.

Most of you Planeteers are young and probably don't remember companies like Bussler back in the 60s and early 70s with their recast Staddens. To my knowledge nothing happened to stop that, why think things are so different now?

Judging from the few complaints posted about the resin copies, one wonders how many fellow Planeteers have purchased them anyway since $$$ walks and BS talks and the copies are considerably easier on the wallet..... ;)
Hey John, there is truth in everything you say but when you pick the resin one up on a competition table you just know by the weight , "IT AINT THE REAL DEAL"

Cheers Steve Walks
I agree, Steve.
I'm not talking about painters who bring their work to major competitions. I was thinking about those that love the hobby, but may never compete.
You've also brought up an interesting question.
Can a resin copy beautifully rendered by the painter deny the painter his award?
I don't recall seeing any by-laws in the major clubs prohibiting pirated figures.
Has anyone?????
Again John a very valid point, it would probably depend if the buyer bought it knowing it was a pirate but i guess only they would know the truth to that question!

Cheers Steve Walks
Supply and demand are the keywords. As long as there are buyers, there will be recasters.
Since we are all somewhat familiar with this hobby, we have the knowlede to do our share. Ebay is a big market place for recasts, so what I do, on a fairly regular basis is; when I search ebay, and find listings from notorius recasters i email the original sculptor/company about it. For convinience I paste a standard tekst and put in the correct references, and send away.
This is the text:

"Dear sir. Please follow this link ( www.ebay.link.example.com) to an ebay member that sells illegal recasts on a large scale from, among other, your productline. I strongly suggest that you at least report this to ebay thru their listing violation link. If you are not a member of Ebay, please sign up for free and use their link. I am not promoting ebay nor have I any owner interrest in this company. I am mearly a member there, but being opposed to the recasting business and other criminal activities, I feel its my duty to yell, when yelling is needed.

Atle Eriksen

I`ve got several positive feedback from companies that has been ripped off, giving me their aprecciation for the effort. It might be a way to go, and if the companies report it often enough to ebay, they might take it seriously. One can always hope. :(
Hi Guys
Some very positive replies both for and against

I personally buy off e-bay and have bought over the years several very good legitimately manufactured figures off ordinary people and at very good prices and have built up new friendships by doing so
I suppose the saying that sums it all up is ;-

"For evil to triumph all that good men need do, is nothing"

Cheers guys a very useful discussion

Slightly off subject, but, under what circumstances would you ever pick up someone's figure at a competition? Could be grounds for mayhem! :(
It's best to deal with this by contacting the manufacturer as the format Ebay has set up for reporting such thing can be tricky at best to navigate. It would be easier for the manufacturer to prove it's pirated than the someone surfing Ebay.~Gary

I just noticed on Ebay what appears to me some more pirated figures. The figures are ALPINE Miniatures russian figures. The listing has 3 Alpine figures in a sigle bag and stated that it comes in is original platic bag, but no mention of a box. Does Alpine sell some of thier figures in groups of 3 or only single pieces? I will attemp to attach the link. If it doesnt work here is the Ebay item # 6057676243 . These figures are coming from china.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention...!

Yes, these are counterfeits. All Alpine figures
are sold in our distinctively designed box.
Also, all Alpine figures and parts are cast in
grey resin.

This kind of parasitic activities taking place in
certain parts of the world used to bother me,
but no more.... just because there's nothing
I can do about it. From what I understand, their
local authority does not take such actvities seriously
or is not interested in regulating them.
Talking about backward, third world mentality...
Making them understand and respect copyrights
is like talking to a wall of bricks.

sadly, the only way to eliminate recasters, is to stop producing. It is clear that international law gives not a whit about cottage industry, and it is clear that ebay couldn't care less. So, it's a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.... or cutting off the arm to save the body.... or burning down the forest to save the trees.... or.. ow well, you all get the point.