A Fixture
Hi Everyone,
Allow me to show my Plague Doctor - some may remember the sculpt some time ago now.
It is my first attempt to paint a miniature or a bust, as previously I was concentrating on sculpting.
My hand was forced, so to say, and I had to paint it, so the learning curve was huge in last 2 weeks.
Also I hope pictures came out ok.
Oils, pastels, acrylics, plastic
Comments welcome, as always
Loosely based on 2 historical sources (below) - one is an original manuscript - probably the only good one availiable
Doktor Schnabel von Rom ("Doctor Beak of Rome"), engraving by Paul Fürst, 1656
and another is an original outfit held in a museum in Denmark.
As medical thought of the time went, the belief was that plague was caused by miasma/putrid air so if you seal yourself in a suit and wear a mask - you will be fine. The leather mask's beak was filled with flower petals, herbs and incense. Eye sockets were protected by red-tinted glass to ward off demons. They would use a long stick to examine bodies and direct corpse carts.
Needless to say, fleas were able to get anywhere they wanted and plague marched on, killing thousands.
Being a plague doctor was unpleasant, dangerous, and difficult. Their chances of survival in times of a plague epidemic were slim
Allow me to show my Plague Doctor - some may remember the sculpt some time ago now.
It is my first attempt to paint a miniature or a bust, as previously I was concentrating on sculpting.
My hand was forced, so to say, and I had to paint it, so the learning curve was huge in last 2 weeks.
Also I hope pictures came out ok.
Oils, pastels, acrylics, plastic
Comments welcome, as always
Loosely based on 2 historical sources (below) - one is an original manuscript - probably the only good one availiable
Doktor Schnabel von Rom ("Doctor Beak of Rome"), engraving by Paul Fürst, 1656
and another is an original outfit held in a museum in Denmark.
As medical thought of the time went, the belief was that plague was caused by miasma/putrid air so if you seal yourself in a suit and wear a mask - you will be fine. The leather mask's beak was filled with flower petals, herbs and incense. Eye sockets were protected by red-tinted glass to ward off demons. They would use a long stick to examine bodies and direct corpse carts.
Needless to say, fleas were able to get anywhere they wanted and plague marched on, killing thousands.
Being a plague doctor was unpleasant, dangerous, and difficult. Their chances of survival in times of a plague epidemic were slim