planetFigure New Additions


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A Fixture
Aug 17, 2003
O'Fallon, Missouri
Greetings everyone,

A few updates, sorry for the absense. :unsure:

Biggest recent change is the move from a fixed width webpage to a fluid style. This will accommodate large screen sizes. (Kaz will be happy I know ;) ) I tightened up the logo to make more head room as it was using quite a bit of space.

Some further changes:

At the bottom of each page there is now a menu list of links


We now have a link directory! Members can now add links with detailed information such as contact info and google maps locations (great for finding hobby shops).


Sample link listing of a figure producer (Müritz-Miniaturen):


Introducing a keyword (contextual link) replacement for advertisers. Keywords will automatically insert the hyper-link to an advertisers website. Details and pricing coming soon.


That's all for about now, there are some more features coming within the next few months so stay tuned and if there's any issues be sure to put a post out there or send me or the staff a PM.


Hey Gordy, I just want to say "Thanks a LOT" for your effort on these great updates! (y)

Yes I'm pretty happy with fluid style as the previous planetFigure style running by vBulletin! :)
More flexible on different screen, easy to see large pics, etc, for several reasons.

And, you did a great job on additional features! Bottom menu looks convenient and link directory is awesome!

BTW, did you changed the logo to the old one style? Newer one was nice too but the older style was good because of tight design to save space, so this is nice.
Thank you for all your hard work. Been there, done it so know it is not easy. Still would like to see a special heading for complaints/praise for suppliers/manufacturers.
I would like to see a controlled forum for complaints or praise for manufacturers or suppliers. I did not like the way the recent Moz Corry bashing thread went. What started as a reasonably post turned into a totally unpleasant tirade against Moz. We have another open thread here at the moment that started as praise for El Greco and now seems to be heading for a slating of Historex. I just feel that this subject matter should be more supervised to avoid it spiralling out of control in a general forum. I think it right that we can all state out experiences with different companies, good and bad, but not then let it turn into a free for all, particularly in Moz case where he apologies, explained his situation and made retribution by giving away vouchers.
I would like to see a controlled forum for complaints or praise for manufacturers or suppliers. I did not like the way the recent Moz Corry bashing thread went. What started as a reasonably post turned into a totally unpleasant tirade against Moz. We have another open thread here at the moment that started as praise for El Greco and now seems to be heading for a slating of Historex. I just feel that this subject matter should be more supervised to avoid it spiralling out of control in a general forum. I think it right that we can all state out experiences with different companies, good and bad, but not then let it turn into a free for all, particularly in Moz case where he apologies, explained his situation and made retribution by giving away vouchers.

Thank you for taking the time to explain and provide examples.

It would be nice, unfortunately, that's one tough implementation that I myself would rather not take on (at the moment) . It would be a full time job moderating all the posts and during my sleeping hours there may be insidious comments that I can't get to in a timely manner. There will always be bias and always someone who would get slighted pack up their marbles and go home if their post was deleted or modified (has happened occasionally in the past 9 years ;) )

I or the staff shouldn't be put in the position to mediate between customer and vendor. I have over the years received many emails from upset customers wanting me to contact vendors that they feel have done them wrong and threaten me or threaten to post negative things on planetFigure. That's not something we are equipped to do or desire to start. I simply ignore those emails.

There are times like the examples you mention above that resolve themselves but I maintain it is the vendors responsibility to maintain customer service and not mine. If the vendor isn't actively participating that is their own loss... it takes 20 seconds to register. ;)
Gordy, I totally understand your position and as I have been a moderator on a forum and it is a thankless task sometimes. My original post was just something on my wish list as I do not like to see anybody given a hard time if they clearly do not deserve it. Keep up the good work mate and hopefully the we can all rally round to prevent the issues I raised
Gordy, I totally understand your position and as I have been a moderator on a forum and it is a thankless task sometimes. My original post was just something on my wish list as I do not like to see anybody given a hard time if they clearly do not deserve it. Keep up the good work mate and hopefully the we can all rally round to prevent the issues I raised

Thank you Ken, it is a great idea to raise, and the execution needs clear balance and a process for remediation.
Thank you ever so much, Gordy, for all the hard work that you have put in so far, to run this premier figure modelling site (y)(y)(y) !
I, for one, Love the new user-friendly changes that you have done to the site layout :LOL:.
Cheers, my dear friend, and try to get some "figure time" in to de-stress once in a while (if it's possible, of course ;)).
Thank you ever so much, Gordy, for all the hard work that you have put in so far, to run this premier figure modelling site (y)(y)(y) !
I, for one, Love the new user-friendly changes that you have done to the site layout :LOL:.
Cheers, my dear friend, and try to get some "figure time" in to de-stress once in a while (if it's possible, of course ;)).

You're welcome! I will have some time this weekend I excited! :)
Thanks for the head ups, and all the time you spend to run Planet.
Apreciate it more then I can say.

You really have produced a well designed and functional website Gordy, and we ARE truly lucky to have a guru like yourself running the show. Your time and commitment to this website goes way beyond what we should expect of one guy who has a life and a family! Thanks a million.

Tony S
Thanks for all the hard work Gordy!

On the new wider pages, I actually find the line length overlong now - less good for readability*. I think the side bars could be expanded a bit without any real problems, actually improving both the legibility and the appearance IMO :)

*Conventional thinking was that between 50 and 75 chars is ideal, apparently for on-screen text a line length as high as 90 or 95 can work well. Current line length for pF on my screen with my current resolution is ~150 characters, which I'm finding makes next-line-takeup harder.

Thanks for all the hard work Gordy!

On the new wider pages, I actually find the line length overlong now - less good for readability*. I think the side bars could be expanded a bit without any real problems, actually improving both the legibility and the appearance IMO :)

*Conventional thinking was that between 50 and 75 chars is ideal, apparently for on-screen text a line length as high as 90 or 95 can work well. Current line length for pF on my screen with my current resolution is ~150 characters, which I'm finding makes next-line-takeup harder.


You're welcome!

I hear you, and for me, I resize my browser window narrower. Many folks wanted a fluid style that spans the whole screen. Fixed-width prevented the option to widen it. Fluid on the other hand gives people the best of both worlds. :D

Newly added is the "Global Feed" at the bottom right, it now supports a snippet of text from RSS feeds :) Here's the URL

Thanks Gordy, this is truely one of my favorite websites on the net. It looks great, is well organised and besides there are a great bunch of blokes (and ladies) on here!

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