There are actually young people taking up the hobby, in good numbers. But since they're in fantasy wargaming, and not historical miniatures, they might escape your notice. There is a thriving parallel culture to ours, in the fantasy wargaming world, with its own schedule of competitions. There are top-end shows, comparable in stature to its fans as shows like MFCA or MMSI are to us. They seem to have a lot more small shows, too, locally based, and they also have a good number of shows with cash prizes. Competition is stiff, or even fierce.
We're reaching out to the fantasy wargamers, both in the MFCA and in the two IPMS clubs I belong to, on the idea that the subject matter isn't as important as the fact that they're painting, using the same tools and techniques, and the best are as good as the best among us. If we get more crossover between interests, in both directions, so much the better.