Hi everbody
Legion Miniatures continue to fill the marketplace with lots of tempting subjects and scales , the one I will show you was announced here by Andrey from Legion
with the sculptor sharing his work previously here:
A napoleonic subject of a polish grenadier of a infantry regiment
Background details
The Polish regiments were organized after the French model. Infantry regiment consisted of two field battalions of 9 companies of 95 men each. In March 1809 it was changed to three field battalions of 6 companies of 140 men each. (The regiments sent to Spain retained the old organization until 1812.) Each regiment had also a depot battalion for training new recruits.
The regiment was commanded by colonel (pulkownik), field battalion by chef de bataillon (szef batalionu ), and the company by captain (kapitan).
In 1806-07, due to problems with supplies part of the Polish infantry wore modified captured uniforms, Prussian and some Austrian. Some wore modified civilian clothes. Gradually, majority of the infantrymen replaced their old uniforms with new ones.
The uniform of Polish infantryman was simple and elegant. The coat/tunic was dark blue and was called kurtka. It had lapels in regimental colors (yellow, crimson or white) until 1810. The greatocat/overcoat was either brown or gray. All leather belts and straps were white, buckles and fittings were brass while the cartridge box and bayonet scabbard were black. The backpack would be brown (some were black).
As always I will add some books that I have that make great references

Some visual reference pictures

Legion Miniatures continue to fill the marketplace with lots of tempting subjects and scales , the one I will show you was announced here by Andrey from Legion
with the sculptor sharing his work previously here:
A napoleonic subject of a polish grenadier of a infantry regiment
Background details
The Polish regiments were organized after the French model. Infantry regiment consisted of two field battalions of 9 companies of 95 men each. In March 1809 it was changed to three field battalions of 6 companies of 140 men each. (The regiments sent to Spain retained the old organization until 1812.) Each regiment had also a depot battalion for training new recruits.
The regiment was commanded by colonel (pulkownik), field battalion by chef de bataillon (szef batalionu ), and the company by captain (kapitan).
In 1806-07, due to problems with supplies part of the Polish infantry wore modified captured uniforms, Prussian and some Austrian. Some wore modified civilian clothes. Gradually, majority of the infantrymen replaced their old uniforms with new ones.
The uniform of Polish infantryman was simple and elegant. The coat/tunic was dark blue and was called kurtka. It had lapels in regimental colors (yellow, crimson or white) until 1810. The greatocat/overcoat was either brown or gray. All leather belts and straps were white, buckles and fittings were brass while the cartridge box and bayonet scabbard were black. The backpack would be brown (some were black).
As always I will add some books that I have that make great references

Some visual reference pictures

Continued in next postNap