Portal 34 is now available for FREE download


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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
Hello again, after a long haul we've managed to get issue 34 out! We've added in some extra planned content in advance to make up for lost time, so this month's issue comes in at 93 pages.

In the issue we've got...

- An interview with Michael Kontraros and his painting partner Chris Panagiotou, as well as a sneak preview of his next sculpt (they are the team behind the excellent Elf Dragon Prince)
- Painting a display base and adding the finishing touches
- How to paint freehands on large busts (based on Forged Monkey's Knucklehead model, and painted by Meehan34 on these forums -he's posted the finished work in the painting section)
- Reviews of Painting Buddha series 1.1 and Stephane Simon's Lucius and Elrick
- An unboxing of Carmine's (Thor14) excellent Paul Bonner sculpt
- A detailed look at the French fantasy painting scene, with lots of (possibly) new forums to visit and shops to spend hard-earned hobby funds at! The article also includes brief insights from various top painters on each other's work.
- A chat with Marrow Productions about their new 'Journey' project
- Lots of photos of miniatures from Wamp's gallery over the last couple of months

and probably some other things we've forgotten!

Link is here for the download:

Hope this makes a nice addition to your weekend, and it's free, so at least give it a chance...;)

Note- we've had some feedback about people having an error when downloading, so please can you send us a private message if you have a problem just so we can keep tabs on it.

Thank you for your support!
The Portal Team