Hi guys,
My personal preference is 90mm having painted almost all of Series 77's 90s up to 1989 and Post Militaire's as well. After coming back to painting after a 16 year lay off I find my scale of preference prohibitive monetarily and, as noted by many others here, the range of subjects are very limited. I am pleased with the higher standards of 54mm figures especially with the growing acceptance of resin figures. 54mm figures back when I was painting in the 70s & 80s for the most part were horrible - New Hope Designs (NO Hope Designs as we called them), I&R (how is this company still in business?), and Valiant to name a few. There were a few gems from these companies and others as well (Chota Sahib comes to mind) but for the most part the really good 54s at shows were extensive Historex conversions. I also find myself prefering resin figures over metal.
A nice compromise scale is 75mm like Michael-Roberts' ARW Militiaman (an EXCELLENT figure, by the way) not too big and not too small.
Hey Roc, how 'bout a poll later on resin vs metal? That might be of interest as well.