A Fixture
Great piece Carl. Wonderfully relaxed pose works very well.
Is there any word when the Royal American will be released, and is there any idea of the price, (ballpark figure would do).
Hope Frank will have a load of these ready for Euro as I am sure it will be a winner!
Hi Don,
I think it will be launched at Euro mate! I'm not sure of price, but I guess around the £35- £40 I guess!
Carl is this depicting the 60th (Royal American) Regt that fought at Bushy Run (see below) and eventually became the Kings Royal Rifle Corps? I see he is equipped with a period musket as my understanding they were not issued rifles until the Peninsular campaign so maybe the title needs a little tweak. Great sculpt and will definitely be on the shopping list.
Thanks mate, I am sure this one will be very popular. Hopefully see you at Euro, if you can manage to take time from your busy life of sculpting.
....and when Frank and Pete arrive it changes to Über shiteI'll be there mate, sitting outside the Southcliff, beer in hand, talking utter shite as usual...!
....and when Frank and Pete arrive it changes to Über shite