Printer Inks ( How To Use)


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A Fixture
Jan 13, 2012
Luso, Aveiro, Portugal
Hi PF Members,

I "heard" around lots of guys saying that use printer inks in paint works. Well I honestly don't have a clue about whats that and how to use that... I have the ideia that are a good substitute to, for example: andrea inks. Pls somebody help me with this.

Well I use them for every metallic and non metallic paintwork.
First I take some oil paint as a carrierer (burnt umber for gold and black for silver) and mix the printers ink with the oilpaint. I mix it something darker as I want it, so this is my basecolor.
The next step after my first coating is to shade with the burnt umber or black . After drying one night into the drybox I only highlight with pure gold or silver.
Sometimes I need a second run with the shade and highlight.
They are available from Stormtroopers.

Thank you for texplaning Marc.... It's think that maybe be better way to do mettalics than I do now... And the andrea inks set have colours I probably won't ever use...
Do you have some already Pedro or are you looking to buy them to improve on your painted metals?

If you don't have them yet they can achieve some of the best metallic effects, but there are reasonable alternatives, especially for painting smaller scales.

Some of the Vallejo Air metallic paints for example are very good, with the advantage that they're water-thinned and dry immediately, but their silver is the best of the bunch - all the other colours could be based on that if you wanted to buy only a single bottle to test out.

Do you have some already Pedro or are you looking to buy them to improve on your painted metals?

If you don't have them yet they can achieve some of the best metallic effects, but there are reasonable alternatives, especially for painting smaller scales.

Some of the Vallejo Air metallic paints for example are very good, with the advantage that they're water-thinned and dry immediately, but their silver is the best of the bunch - all the other colours could be based on that if you wanted to buy only a single bottle to test out.


Hi Einion,

I'm looking to buy... Thanks for your opinion ;)
