Well-Known Member
Panzer powoli nabiera kolorytu, namalowa?em obicia i zadrapania farby, nasyci?em niektóre miejsca washem sporzadzonym z czerni marsowej i brazu van dyck. Kolejnym etapem bedzie namalowanie plam oleju, paliwa itp. a nastepnie pokrycie modelu lakierem matowym i pigmentami. Zaczynam powoli watpic czy uda mi sie skonczyc model na bytomski festiwal, niemniej jednak pozosta? jeszcze miesiac, wiec "pi?ka jest w grze".
More progess on the Panzer, this time I painted scratched and chipped paint effects here and there. I also added more dark washes to some areas (wheels, upper hull roof etc.). The next step will be to add oil and fuel stains, then flat varnish and finally pigments to complete the build. Hopefully I'll finish this one for the Bytom modelling show at the end of February.
More progess on the Panzer, this time I painted scratched and chipped paint effects here and there. I also added more dark washes to some areas (wheels, upper hull roof etc.). The next step will be to add oil and fuel stains, then flat varnish and finally pigments to complete the build. Hopefully I'll finish this one for the Bytom modelling show at the end of February.