roman navarro moreno
Well-Known Member

this is the figure that I am finishing, single to comment the blue color,un color always feared for satin or shining finished his in some cases, aqui this blue one I have painted it dividing of prusia of andrea a little green camouflage and black blue, giving lights with blue turquesa and blue napoleonico uniform also of andrea, esste type of colors we must give few lights him, and if to shade very dark, the shades I directly did them with black and forms diluted the finished one is kills, a trick for the finished one kills can be to give to a layer black base with a little flat bases before applying the blue one, or a layer base of marro covered with flat bases, and mainly to dagitar well the painting boats, another thing that gustaria desctacar to me is the soiled one of the boots, aqui can be seen like are of the same color that the color bases of the ground (earth) this color I apply it of form watered down in the boots, clarifying it towards the ends of the dull ones soon it has works rel land with watered down and different tones....................................