Punjab Calvary


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Hi Everyone;

A while ago, I had asked for some input into what figure I should make as my next purchase. I had some very thought provoking responses and after much careful consideration, I chose Latorre's Punjab Calvary officer from the Sepoy Rebellion in 70mm. I've never done a figure from this line before, and have to say what a pleasure this project was. The sculpting was suberb, and the subject matter really caught my eye. I know this has been a very popular figure, but I just had to choose it and I humbly submit my efforts here for your thoughts and comments.

VERY nicely done! The leather of the jacket is particularly nice, so are the reds of the tunic and the small details you've added to the sleeves and coat are fantastic. Would love to see some larger images and maybe some closer in pics. Good work!

Jay H.
Glenn, what a great piece of painting. I love this period in history & having seen you're example I must add this figure to my wish list.
Thank you all most kindly.
Dan and Jay, the gold lace was done using a method I learned fom Lou Masses on his website. This is my second attempt at doing metallics with out using actual metallic paint, and I am sold on it now. I'll see about some closer pics, but I have to warn you my photography skills deteriorate the closer I try to get to the figure.
Dave, I would highly recommend this figure without any hesitation. I'd like to see more figures from this period as well. There is much scope for variety to be found in the British colonial era. Let's hope people like Raul Latorre feel the same way ;)
Originally posted by ghamilt1@Jul 4 2006, 02:28 PM
Hi Everyone;

A while ago, I had asked for some input into what figure I should make as my next purchase. I had some very thought provoking responses and after much careful consideration, I chose Latorre's Punjab Calvary officer from the Sepoy Rebellion in 70mm. I've never done a figure from this line before, and have to say what a pleasure this project was. The sculpting was suberb, and the subject matter really caught my eye. I know this has been a very popular figure, but I just had to choose it and I humbly submit my efforts here for your thoughts and comments.

NIce job!! I just recieved this figure today from the post!! Will check back often to these photos for inspiration..do you have any close up shots of the rear of the head piece.. I like your pattern on the head piece, very well done.
From what I can see from the pictures you have a very nice job.
For a good critique, I would suggest you post some close ups.

Keep up the good work.

Roc. :)

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