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Mierce have been releasing a lot new stuff this year - here's a long overdue mammoth post of new releases from January to August:
Note, I've not posted every image due to the post image limit
Note, I've not posted every image due to the post image limit
August 2017 - A Noble, Beast and Infantry Mash-Up
We're keeping up the release frequency with another thirteen of them for Darklands in August - but that's a bit misleading, as there's actually thirty-three different items you can buy from this load, including monsters, infantry units, starter hosts and nobles!
We're expanding the Atalantes greatly this month with a noble (Hektor), a unit of infantry (the Oplites) and a beastie (Dynatos, a giant bronze bull). The Érainn gain a warlord in the rather chubby shape of Rudraige the Fat and an even chubbier monstrous infantry unit, the Fir Bholg Hurlers; three new nobles for the Jutes, Ætulla, Bareheaded Ætulla and Wihtwald; a monster for the Khthones in the sail-backed shape of Iskarnos; a unit of infantry for the Vras (finally giving Quick-Blade some mates), the Spear-Vras; Danilo Cruz on horse, a sell-sword able to kill monsters rather easily; a new starter host for the Ysians, the Great Club Brute Starter Host, and a monster for them too, the awesome Conjunct X. There's some superb miniatures in there!
Again, thanks to us being busier than busy bees we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website of course.
Hektor, Tekhnomántis of Ilios
The Atalantes gain an arcane metalsmith this month in the rather glorious shape of Hektor, superbly sculpted by Jin Wei from the artwork by Dan Warren. If you're fielding kolossi of any type, this guy is a must!
Ilios Guard, Oplites of Ilios Unit
The Oplites (pronounced "op-lit-eez", don'tcha know) have been sculpted by Jin Wei again from the artwork by Dan Warren again. They're a great way to get your Atalantes host fielded as they're Mainstay, of course! The individual miniatures in the unit are Andreas, the champion, and four warriors - Nachor, Kuma, Simon and Amethea.
Dynatos, Bull of Bronze
Sculpted by Duncan Louca from the artwork by Dan Warren, Dynatos is a huge automaton in the shape of a mighty bronze bull, well able to smash battle lines apart for the Atalantes.
Rudraige the Fat, Rí Túath of the Uí Néill on Foot
This guy is a powerful warlord of the Érainn, the king of his particular Túath and a big fat git as well. He likes the drink, does Rudraige! Sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont.
Bholg of Acaill, Fir Bholg Hurler Unit
Even bigger, fatter and gittier are the Fir Bholg Hurlers, able to overpower enemies in close combat and from afar too thanks to the brainballs they sling at the enemy. The Bholg of Acaill are led by Dougal, the champion, and include Feargal and Feargus. They were sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont.
Iskarnos, Szalamakh
The lovely Iskarnos - converted from Ulmons by Tim Prow and the artwork by Dan Warren - is a cracking edition to the Khthones as he shoots gobbets of intense fire upon their enemies as well as being a monster you don't want to mess with in a fight!
No-Claw's Burrow, Spear-Vras Unit
Finally, Quick-Blade gets some mates! One of our oldest miniatures, Quick-Blade is joined by six other new Spear-Vras - molerat-men with spears, basically - to form No-Claw's Burrow, the mainstay of the hosts of the Vras. The individual miniatures in the unit are No-Claw, the champion and for whom his unit is named; a banner bearer, Quick-Blade; a drummer, Fat-Skin; and four warriors, Sharp-Fang , Scar-Belly, Quick-Kill and Fat-Tail. All of these guys were sculpted by Benoît Cosse from the artwork by Stefan Kopinski, Sam Lamont and Dan Warren.
Danilo Cruz, Beast Slayer of Cantabria on Horse
Danilo Cruz is of course an homage to one of our favourite artists, Danny Cruz! Tasked with drawing himself as his ancestor would be, Danny has done a great job and Juan Navarro Pérez has performed an equally fantastic job to bring Danilo on horse to life. Danilo is a beast slayer and a sell-sword, too, which means any kindred can use his special skills against their enemies' monstrosities!
Great Club Brute Monstrous Infantry Host
We've a new starter host for the Ysians this month, thanks to the release of Hammer-Brugg and his Brutes last month. The Great Club Brute Monstrous Infantry Host includes Hammer-Brugg, a unit of five Brutes of Brugg and Torku, a nasty monster indeed. These guys are a perfect start to any Ysian host!
Conjunct X, Vivicoct
A product of the Ysian flesh-smith's insane minds, Conjunct X is an amalgam of monsters found dead upon the battlefield and stitched together to become an altogether different kettle of fish. In perpetual agony, starved and beaten by its Goad-Drunes, Conjunct X is one monster you do not want to come across on the battlefield.
All of the releases above will be officially released on the 5th of August 2017, but you can order them right now!
July 2017 - Brutality Abounds
Hot on the heels of last month's offerings, July's releases sees an all-Darklands festival of superb miniatures large and small to grace your dark age fantasy tabletop wargaming!
So, for the Albainn, we have two units of ranged warriors - the Crossbows of Dun Durn, Elbharu Unit and the Hunters of Cait, Oghurithne Hunter Unit; for the Atalantes we have Thera and Titos, commanders both, and the might of Kretos, Ogros of Bronze - a huge monster able to take out the largest of enemies; for the Brythoniaid, Fomoraic and Infernii we have Gannwg, Taaruk and Ubal respectively, each of which are the alternate warrior versions of their unit's banner bearer; for the Jutes we have three fantastic Tomb Spiders in Guliant's Web; and for the Ysians we have Hammer-Brugg and his own unit of Brutes armed with Great Clubs, the Brutes of Brugg.
Again, thanks to us being busier than busy bees we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website of course.
Crossbows of Dun Durn, Elbharu Unit
Superbly sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont, the Elbharu are crossbowmen of the Albainn, and whilst they may be vulnerable to enemy shooting they are more than capable of bringing an enemy unit down before they get to their battleline. The individual miniatures in the unit are Galan, the champion, and four warriors - Wurgesta, Cimoith, Unen and the shouty old tramp Calorc.
Hunters of Cait, Oghurithne Hunter Unit
The Oghurithne saw the crossbows wielded by their smaller kin and realised they could use them too - and thus the Oghurithne Hunters were born, giants of corded muscle with equally giant crossbows. The Hunters of Cait - led by Ungad, the champion, who is joined by Agala and Wrad - were sculpted by Yannick Fusier from the artwork by Sam Lamont.
Thera, Lokhagos of Ilios
Sculpted by a newcomer to our range - Jin Wei - from the artwork by Dan Warren, Thera is a cracking little miniature who commands the hosts of the Atalantes into battle.
Titos, Stratekolossos
Complementing the Mesokolossos Unit released last time around, Titos is a Stratekolossos - a kolossos commander, capable of independent thought and as ancient as the islands he defends. He's been superbly sculpted by Duncan Louca from the excellent artwork by Dan Warren.
Kretos, Ogros of Bronze
Again sculpted by Duncan Louca from the artwork by Dan Warren, Kretos is a mighty Ogros of Bronze - a kolossos formed to take on any enemy and beat them into submission with its huge maces.
Gannwg, Dyndraig of Gwaelod
Gannwg is the alternate warrior version of the Dyndraig banner bearer, Naegannwg - sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from the artwork by Christophe Madura and Dan Warren.
Taaruk, Tarvax Warrior
He's been around for ages but never officially released, Taaruk is again an alternate warrior version of a banner bearer, this time from the Bellowing Tarvax's Kaastaruk. Converted by Benoît Cosse from the artwork by Stefan Kopinski and Dan Warren.
Ubal, Lowly Fiend of Dis
The last of three alternate warrior versions, Ubal has been converted from Drubal by Roberto Chaudon. Artwork by Dan Warren from Stefan Kopinski's original.
Guliant's Web, Tomb Spider Unit
More miniatures to make you shudder for the Jutes! This time we've three lovely Tomb Spiders, smaller versions of Gol Gul originally sculpted by Aragorn Marks and modified by our own Tim Fisher to work as three individual arachnids. Standing on 80mm bases, these three - Guliant, Culgulc and Angol - are cracking miniatures sure to scare the living daylights out of the enemy!
Hammer-Brugg, Death-Brute
Converted by Andrew May from the drawing by Danny Cruz and the original sculpt by Olivier Bouchet, Hammer-Brugg is a heavily armoured, be-hammered version of the original Brugg, as we didn't think the original was brutal enough. He's a Death-Brute, which means he can bring other Brutes into battle with him! Eeek!
Brutes of Brugg, Great Club Brute Unit
...and funnily enough, here's Brugg's Brutes! These guys - based on the original Brutes by Aragorn Marks and Grégory Clavilier - have been converted by Andrew May from the drawings by Danny Cruz, and they're all now armoured and be-great clubbed, although that "club" can be anything from a mighty hammer to a nasty-looking mattock. The Brutes of Brugg - led by Gulguta and including four Brutes, Lugung, Uggurd, Muldo and Nung - are a heavyweight addition to your Ysian host!
May 2017 - New starter hosts and much more
As well as a few new releases for both BaneLegions and Darklands, we've got some amazing things for you this time around thanks to the superb new Starter Hosts for just about every kindred of Darklands; they're a brilliant way to get you started playing the game and a fantastic addition to your existing army or collection, if you're already into dark age fantasy!
The new miniatures this month include Hetseentcha, a Phoenix Demon and Zazel, a Demon Prince of Pleasure, both for the BaneLegions. For Darklands we have the first new miniatures for the Atalantes kindred for many years, Kyros and The Burning Ones; there's a superb ogre dragon for the Brythoniaid, Scaeroc, and a unit of five Dromedii for the Byzantii, along with their bigger brother Iqqud. The Fomoraic gain Gunaal, a big beastie and a re-release for Maaru, whose head looks rather better than previously. Lastly we have the amazing Drēaguth Unit for the Jutes, The Malign of Alum Tomb, and the superb warlord Eormanræd!
Again, thanks to us being busier than busy bees we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website of course.
New Starter Hosts!
Let's start with the Starter Hosts, which are a great way to get into the dark fantasy world of Darklands for the first time, to expand your existing Darklands collection or maybe just to grab some fantastic miniatures to paint!
All told there's twenty-three starter hosts in this first batch - for there'll be more in the future, of course - and each of them contains a small Darklands army of around Encounter Host (499 gold) size, comprising a commander, a unit of infantry and a unit of monstrous infantry.
It would take far too long to show them all here, but here's a big list of what's available:
Albainn Gairlom Infantry Starter Host
Albainn Oghurithne Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Albainn Oghur Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Anglecynn Duguth Infantry Starter Host
Anglecynn Wælwulf Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Brythoniaid Teulu Infantry Starter Host
Brythoniaid Dyndraig Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Byzantii Legionarius Infantry Starter Host
Byzantii Demilegionarius Infantry Starter Host
Érainn Tuanagh Infantry Starter Host
Fomoraic Warriors of Baalor Infantry Starter Host
Fomoraic Gul-Gabrax Infantry Starter Host
Fomoraic Gabrax Infantry Starter Host
Fomoraic Tarvax Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Fomoraic Srónax Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Infernii Fiend Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Jute Wihtgār Infantry Starter Host
Jute Drēaguth Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Khthones Gorgonar Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Khthones Krokodar Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Norse Holumann Infantry Starter Host
Norse Hrafnmann Monstrous Infantry Starter Host
Ysian Ax-Drune Infantry Starter Host
Kyros, Strategos of Ilios
Sculpted by a newcomer to our range, Jin Wei, from the artwork by Dan Warren, the Atalantes now have a noble to command them - Kyros, a warlord of Ilios, and the first release for those of Atalantia since Talos!
The Burning Ones, Mesokolossos Unit
The Atalantes now have a bit of muscle to aid them in their fight against destruction. The Burning Ones are a unit of five Mesokolossi, bronze warriors of ancient artifice and implacable nature, sculpted by Duncan Louca from the artwork by Dan Warren. The individual miniatures in the unit are Praxis, the champion, and four warriors - Xan,Bion, Horos and Kreios.
Scaeroc, Grymdraig of Dugadw
Scaeroc is of course Shaaroc before he was turned by Baalor to the ends of the Fomoraic; in this form he is a mighty Grymdraig of the Brythoniaid, an Ogre Dragon that breathes fire upon his enemies. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Dan Warren, and of course the original miniature by Yannick Fusier!
Vul IX Muyya, Dromedus Unit
These guys have been a while in coming but they're here, finally! Roberto Chaudon has performed wonders from the artwork by Christophe Madura to sculpt the amazing Vul IX Muyya, a unit of five Dromedus for the Byzantii with Champion (Muyya), banner bearer (Abakr) and three warriors (Gabbaja, Kammal and Sama). Just don't get too close to them, they're liable to spit!
Iqqud, Dromedon
Joining the Dromedii is their big brother, a mighty Dromedon known as Iqqud on an 80mm base. Again sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from the artwork by Christophe Madura, Iqqud adds a bit of muscle to your Byzantii host!
Gunaal, Angered Tarvocx
Gunaal is one of the fantastic monster conversions that were funded by the Darklands: Metal Age Kickstarter project. Based on Oso of the Albainn, Gunaal was converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Dan Warren to become a Tarvocx, a raging monster for the Fomoraic!
Maaru, Monstrous Swordtooth
Now and again we like to improve existing miniatures and when Martin Lavat converted Sia for the Byzantii we also had him work on Maaru's head, because it just didn't look right. The results, we think, are spectacular!
Eormanræd, Cant Forthain on Foot
It's been a while since we've released anything by Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, so let's rectify that with the simply stunning Eormanræd, a Forthain noble for the Cant realm of the Jutes. We're not going to be modest, either: this guy is an utter masterpiece from the Frenchman who brought you Kraan, Maagaan, Tundaar and many others from our range!
The Malign of Alum Tomb, Drēaguth Unit
The Jute releases are gaining pace this month with the addition of the Drēaguth, a unit of five wraith-like creatures for the Jutes from the masterful hands of Edgar Skomorowski (sculptor) and Danny Cruz (artist). The Malign of Alum Tomb are led by their champion, Aglæca, and include four warriors - Cynobog,Wictred, Cwalu and Mordwæl.
Hetseentcha, Phoenix Demon
This month we have the last of the monsters funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project from a couple of years ago. Hetseentcha is a mighty Phoenix Demon, a conversion of Proteanc by Tim Prow from the artwork by Dan Warren!
Zazel, Demon Prince of Pleasure
The very last release of the monsters funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project is Zazel, a lovely conversion of Malacant by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson.
April 2017 - Bumper Update Fun
We have a huge amount of releases for Darklands, BaneLegions and Templar's Forge this month, thirty in fact, and that's not including individual miniatures from units, either! A veritable bumper fun spring special of an update!
The BaneLegions gain four amazing new miniatures, two more Giants (Borruk, an Orc Giant, and the more generic Old Bill of Bell End) and two more Demon Princes (N'nhohbr'hurt'hs, a Demon Prince of Plague, and Khan-Fury, a Demon Prince of War). There's four for Templar's Forge, too, including the all-new Exult and Dismay Tokens Set and Continuous Effect Tokens Set, along with the new Fomoraic (Conand) Order Tokens Set and the long-awaited Darklands Positioning Laser. Darklands, of course, gets the bulk: for the Albainn, the doughty Spears of Dun Durn, Gairlom Unit; for the Anglecynn, the mighty Mihtlāf, Morthorbera; for the Brythoniaid, two units - the Urien's Guard, Teulu Unit and Warriors of Dyngonwy, Rhyfelwr Unit; for the Byzantii, the new version of Erebius and the all-new Nervor the Demioption, Con I Modius the Legionarius Unit and Sia the Leónis of Kyrene; for the Érainn, Cormac of the Red Hand and the Men of Clochar, Tuanagh Unit; for the Fomoraic, the Gul-Gabrax Tain Chaaruch, the Walvax Tain Gaanh and The Eye Ascendant, Warriors of Baalor Unit; for the Jutes, Mildryth the Cant Thain and Gol Gul the Barrow Spider; and for the Khthones, Ischys the Stóskoulon and Srók the Krokodarch. Phew!
Just like the previous releases, thanks to us being busier than busy bees we've just not had the time to get the release art and descriptions done; but you can still see some good images of each miniature on the website of course.
Maatmäg, Gigantic Mammox
Dan Cockersell - as you probably know already - is an absolute master sculptor. He's responsible for some of our finest miniatures, including The Terror of Fortriu and Krull, but he's outdone himself this time with the utterly incredible Maatmäg, a humungous Mammox that is even bigger than Krull himself. Sculpting from the artwork by Christophe Madura, Dan has produced a miniature that is almost impossible to describe in terms of its quality: it is, quite frankly, the finest miniature we have produced to date. Don't take our word for it, though - just have a look at him! Painted here by our very own Tim Fisher.
Gaalgar's Herd, Gul-Gabrax Unit
The Gul-Gabrax - bigger, more powerful goat-men of the Fomoraic - are utterly superb miniatures sculpted by Michael Anderson from the artwork by Christophe Madura. There's four different units to purchase - five warriors with command, ten warriors with command, five warriors and ten warriors - all comprised of the seven individual Gul-Gabrax, which have been painted by Sébastien Picque. There's Gaalgar, the unit's champion and from which the unit gains its name; Raagar, the unit's banner-bearer; Sraangar, the unit's herald; and four warriors, Culgaar, Gongaar, Aalgar and Sraagar.
The Dead of Black Barrow, Wihtgār Unit
Finally, finally, we have the unit of infantry that everybody's been waiting for: the first undead release for Darklands and the first unit of the Jutes. The Dead of Black Barrow is a Wihtgār Unit that can be purchased in four flavours - a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual miniatures, all sculpted by Edgar Skomorowski from the artwork by Danny Cruz, have been painted by Zlatko Burmazovic. They are Sigheard, the champion; Ricbert, the fain bearer; Ælgar, the hornblower (he may have no breath, but the dead can still hear it); and Cynemund, Oswine, Bertræd and Ælfric, all warriors.
Spears of Dun Durn, Gairlom Unit
The Albainn gain their first infantry unit this month in the rather hairy and gobby shape of the Gairlom, spear-warriors with the classic H-shaped shields. Sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont, these guys really do look mean and moody! There's four different units to purchase - five warriors with command, ten warriors with command, five warriors and ten warriors - all comprised of the seven individual Gairlom. There's Brusta, the unit's champion; Nectan, the unit's banner-bearer; Fidaich, the unit's herald; and four warriors, Oinuist, Smertae, Nectaich and Fidain.
Mihtlāf, Morthorbera
This guy is brutal in the most brutish sense of the word. Converted by Martin Lavat from Dan Warren's artwork and Benoît Cosse's original Maallolvór miniature, Mihtlāf (pronounced "MYT-larf") is a massive Morthorbera (murder-bear) from the wilds of Northumbraland, a powerful ally in the pagan Angelcynn's fight to survive.
Urien's Guard, Teulu Unithttp://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_bry_gwy_inf_000_010http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_bry_gwy_inf_000_010
They've been a long time in coming but the Brythoniaid finally have a unit of infantry to speak of, and that's the Teulu! Sculpted digitally by Olivier Nkweti from the artwork by Dan Warren, the Teulu (pronounced "TAY-li") are the personal bodyguard of Urien himself and lesser nobles themselves. The Teulu can be purchased in four different ways - a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual miniatures are Cynog of Gaer yn Arfon, the Penteulu or champion; Lleu Gryf, the bannerman; Gerallt ap Iorwerth, the herald; and Dafydd, Emyr, Iorwerth and Gryf, all warriors.
Warriors of Dyngonwy, Rhyfelwr Unithttp://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_bry_gwy_inf_200_010http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_bry_gwy_inf_200_010
You wait years for one infantry unit, and two come along at once! Typical. Anyway, the Rhyfelwyr (pronounced "hru-VEL-wer"), meaning simply "warriors", are the backbone of the Brythoniaid's human strength and each Rhyfelwr is as able with sword and shield as he is with a bow. Sculpted by Yannick Hennebo from the artwork by Dan Warren, the Rhyfelwyr can be purchased in four different ways - a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Rhyfelwyr are Alun, the Penrhyfelwr or champion; Aeron, the bannerman; Cefin, the herald; and Gafan, Iestyn, Aestoc and Efan, all warriors. For the pedants, note the difference between singular (Rhyfelwr) and plural (Rhyfelwyr)!
Erebius, Demiurion
We decided to take advantage of Dan Cockersell's work on Erebius on his Behema to turn the mounted Erebius into a foot version, too - so we strong-armed Yannick Hennebo and the rest, as they say, is history...
Nervor, Demioption
With Yannick Hennebo sculpted the Demilegionarius Unit, it seemed only fair to give him a crack at Nervor, the Demioption (meaning, half-option), a lieutenant in the Byzantii / Infernii legions. This guy is half-demon, half-man and a nasty fellow to boot! Drawn by Danny Cruz, originally.
Con I Modius, Legionarius Contubernium
The Legionarii (painted here by Paul Whittaker) have been a while in coming, too; sculpted by Hector Moran and Luc Pinganaud from the artwork by Steve Pierce, these guys are the mainstay of the Byzantii and are armed with spatha (sword), scutum (shield) and pila (javelin). There's only one unit size available - eight - but you can purchase individual Legionarii should you wish: Modius, the Decanus or champion and seven Legionarii, Gellius, Tiberius, Livia, Severa, Tiberia, Serena and Geraldus.
Sia, Leónis of Kyrene
Ahhh, Sia. What a lovely creature you are! Effectively a giant Lion, and converted by Martin Lavat from Mohamed Aït-Mehdi's original Maaru, Sia is a Leónis of the Byzantii and an excellent addition to the ranks of the Auxilia Bestiarius.
Cormac of the Red Hand, Curadh of the Uí Néill
The Érainn gain an excellent Warchief in the shape of Cormac of the Red Hand, a mighty Curadh well able to take on the enemies of the Irish. Sculpted superbly by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont!
Men of Clochar, Tuanagh Unit
It's time for an infantry unit for the Érainn, in the slightly mad shape of the Tuanaghta (pronounced "too-an-AH-ta"), axe-wielding nutters who probably drink far too much on a Friday evening. These guys are sculpted by Valentin Zak from the artwork by Sam Lamont, and they can be purchased in four different ways - a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Tuanaghta are Pádraig, the Ceann or champion; Dara, the Bratachagh or banner bearer; Ronan, the Aralt or herald; and Brian, Colm, Tadhg and Ruairí, all warriors. The plural is Tuanaghta, the singular Tuanagh.
Chaaruch the Despoiler, Gul-Gabrax Tain
Sculpted by Michael Anderson from the artwork by Dan Warren, Chaaruch the Despoiler is a very nasty-looking Gul-Gabrax and a war-leader of ill repute, especially as he can bring loads of Gul-Gabrax to battle with him! Painted here by Sébastien Picque.
Gaanh, Walvax Tain
Another superb beast-man for the Fomoraic, Gaanh is a Walrus-man or Walvax, sculpted by Yannick Fusier from the artwork by Danny Cruz. Gaanh really is a superb miniature, one of our finest we believe, one that you can easily imagine throwing his harpoon to pierce your torso and drag you to your doom... ahem.
The Eye Ascendant, Warrior of Baalor Unit
Another unit! Will this pleasure never end? Maybe, because the Warriors of Baalor - cruel, vain humans turned by Baalor for his own ends - would certainly look down upon such things! Sculpted by Olivier Nkweti from the artwork by Steve Pierce, and painted here by Sébastien Picque, the Warriors of Baalor come in four flavours: a unit of five warriors with command, a unit of ten warriors with command, a unit of five warriors and a unit of ten warriors. The individual Warriors of Baalor are Aanan, the Gultain or champion; Ulaan, the Tusk-bearer or banner bearer; Lungaarn, the hornblower or herald; and Coraat, Paara, Lalaan and Gaarnul, all warriors.
Mildryth, Cant Thain
Ahh, Mildryth! Sculpted beautifully by Yannick Hennebo from the artwork by Danny Cruz, Mildryth is the first Jute Warchief to be released and is a really amazing one at that. She's human, of course, but she's still able to command the undead!
Gol Gul, Barrow Spider
When we see Gol Gul, we shudder. He's a gigantic spider, of course, standing upon a 120mm base, and he really does make you recoil with disgust! Sculpted by Aragorn Marks from the artwork by Danny Cruz, we dare you to assemble him without feeling a bit sick.
Ischys, Stóskoulon of Khthon
Another monster from the conversion-fest that was Darklands: Metal Age, Ischys (converted by Martin Lavat from the artwork by Dan Warren) uses part of Chysperis' body to form a burrowing snake-monster on an 80mm base. Be warned: he swallows!
Srók, Krokodarch
We've waited a long time for a Krokodar commander, but Srók is finally here and he can bring his brutal mates with him thanks to his Compel (Krokodar) ability! Sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from the artwork by Christophe Madura.
Borruk, Orc Giant
Another of the fantastic monsters funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, Borruk is an Orc Giant, a real nasty piece of work converted by Andrew May from the original giant of the Albainn, Gomagg, and the artwork by Dan Warren. You don't have to paint him green, but it helps!
Old Bill of Bell End, Giant
If there is such a thing as a "regular" Giant, Old Bill is that giant: he's a bog-standard, vanilla Giant funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project. Converted by Andrew May from the original giant of the Albainn, Gomagg, and the artwork by Dan Warren.
N'nhohbr'hurt'hs, Demon Prince of Plague
Yet another monster funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, N'nhohbr'hurt'hs (Pronunciation? Well, the last bit is pronounced "urts") is a fantastic conversion of Malacant, a demon of the Infernii. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson!
Khan-Fury, Demon Prince of War
The preantepenultimate (look it up) monster funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project to be released, Khan-Fury is a fantastic conversion of Malacant, a demon of the Infernii. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson!
Papworth the Pillager, Chaos Giant
One of the fantastic monsters that were funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, Papworth the Pillager is a mighty Chaos Giant, a basher and a stomper converted by Andrew May from the original giant of the Albainn, Gomagg, and the artwork by Dan Warren.
Tetseenx, Phoenix Demon Prince
Another monster funded by the BaneBeasts: Mighty Monsters Part Deux Kickstarter project, Tetseenx is a fantastic conversion of Malacant, a demon of the Infernii. Converted by Tim Prow from the artwork by Neil Hodgson!
Darklands Exult and Dismay Tokens Set
We now have the Darklands Exult and Dismay Tokens Set to ensure Darklands gamers can properly track the status of your units! The set gives you seventy exult and dismay tokens that are attached to a unit when necessary, ensuring each player instantly knows that unit's status.
Darklands Continuous Effect Tokens Set
We have another tokens set for you this month, too - this time the Darklands Continuous Effect Tokens Set, which gives you fifty continuous effect tokens that are attached to a unit when necessary, ensuring each player instantly knows what continuous effects the unit is suffering.
Darklands Positioning Laser
It's a hobby-fest this month with Templar's Forge - here's the long-awaited Positioning Laser, a Class 1 laser and so perfectly safe to use, which is used to measure accurately the line of sight of warriors on the battlefield at any time. Other methods of determining sight lines are usually inaccurate and almost always open to interpretation; a Darklands positioning laser immediately ends any line of sight argument!