Quality Of El Viejo Dragon Figure?


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Anders Heintz

A Fixture
Aug 23, 2003
Dallas, Texas
Hey Guys!

Got a question, have anyone ever done any of the El Viejo Dragon figures? If so, whats the quality of their figures like? Casting? Sculpting? Fit of parts?

This is the figure that Im especially asking about

90mm 74th Highlanders India 1805


Thanks guys
Hi Anders. I have painted some of the Roman EVD 54mm kits for a museum diorama and was less than enthused. Detail was very soft, large seam lines, and some of the faces were cartoonish. I recently ordered another one for myself (Irish Brigade Standard Bearer) and returned it shortly after I received it. That being said, I have not seen the figure in question.


I bought their Spartan Hoplite figure at a rummage sale a few years back. Normally, it's not a figure I would have chosen but for $5, how could I go wrong? Here's how. The parts don't fit together very well at all. I'll need a lot of patience as well as filler to make everything look normal. Whenever I'm looking for something new to paint, I'll pick it up long enough to move it out of the way to get to a different figure. I know this isn't the figure you're interested in, but if this is representative of the rest of their line, I'll think twice before buying another El Viejo Dragon especially at full price.

G'Mornin Mike,
Sometimes we all learn the "hard way" and when I pick up a marked down kit these days I ask myself, "Why is this marked down?". Usually carefull examination will reveal there is a problem. I am very careful ordering a kit from a mfg that I am not familiar with and now rely on forums like this to answer questions like Anders posted. I hope all the members will not hesitate in asking about a mfg they have never bought from before.

guy (y)
Hi Guy,

You're right. That was a learning experience but I was surprised to see something like that at a rummage sale. It was the only item like that he was selling. This is the only EVD figure I have any experience with. I'm sure they all can't be difficult to assemble. If so, what a shame because they have a lot of attractive, well posed figures in their line up.

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to post a quick reply while I had the chance. I know there have been some bad things about EVD but I have only painted one. My kit was pretty good, I guess because I only had to glue on the helment/sword. I did have to add straps to the medical bag and I added a buckle as well. If you do want to paint one that is ok try this one.

Well done Joe,
I guess EVD is like alot of manufacturers. You have to check each one you are interested in because they run hot and cold as far as quality and fitment. There are quite a few figures that I wait for a show to check them out personally or ask here, if anyone has done a particular piece. There are manufacturers whom I will buy their work sight unseen, because I know their quality is a standard setter among the industry.


I agree. If it is from a company that I know I will buy sight unseen but then sometimes with the other companies I do like you go to a show ask who painted the kit all the how's and what's.

The crazy thing about EVD and a few others is that they come up with some interesting and imaginative subjects and treatments which I like, and then dissappoint me with their quality. I have a small not-yet-grey army of these things that I'll "get to some day", yet I continue to get suckered-in. Why the disconnect between imagination and realization, I wonder? But never again for me----I'm cured, finished, detoxed, born again,redeemed....... yet I wonder about that Egyptian funeral boat......
As someone who lives in The Middle of Nowhere, I must rely on the reputation of the manufacturer or reviews by those who have purchased a specific figure. I have purchased figures over eBay, and on sale from reputable dealers. Since I'm on a limited budget (like most of you are I suspect), and don't have an opportunity to examine a figure "in the flesh" before purchase, I would like to have at least some comments by someone who has purchased a similar figure by the manufacturer. I would encourage all of you to post reviews of figures you have purchased recently. Whether the reviews are good or bad, the information helps us all.
