'...Raided...', Operation 'Case White', Poland 1939.


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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
'...Überfallen...', Operation Fall Weiss', Polen 1939
(As in Germany the operations in Poland are called 'der Überfall auf Polen' (the raid on Poland))
The Battle of the Bzura was the largest battle of the 1939 German invasion of Poland, fought between 9 and 19 September 1939, between Polish and German forces. It began as a Polish counter-offensive, but the Germans, amongst the 4th Panzer Division with the attached SS Leibstandarte moved togehther to the Bzura section, where they outflanked the Polish forces and took all of western Poland.
After a picture found on the www.
Figures are all converted, some heavy some light and/or self sculpted using Magic and Apoxie Sculp, painted all with acrylics. Rest of the base is also all scratch build.
Hope you like it!
fbpl02.jpg fbpl03.jpg fbpl04.jpg fbpl05.jpg fbpl08.jpg fbpl06.jpg

Hi Erik

Such a pleasure seeing your modelling such a high standard in all redone to , painting , additions , and basework

So much detail on this lovely diorama it's good to really study it

Why not enter something into FOTM ( and vote in previous month ) and our Vignette & Diorama Comp as well

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime

Brilliant execution of this little dio, Erik.(y) Very close to the picture of the real people. I especially like the realistic and - hard to pull off - foliage of the birch tree and the overall lifelike groundwork.

The title "raided" concurs with todays general view on the (hi)story of WW II.
- Some facts about the months in advance of operation "Case White" seem to be less known or nearly forgotten:
The first units of the Polish Army (four infantry divisions and cavalry brigade) were mobilized and put at full strength on March 26th 1939 after the German occupation of the remaing territory of Czechoslovakia. Moreover some units along the western borders were strengthened by calling in reservists for exercises.
Between 14 and 16 of August two additional divisions and a cavalry brigade were alarmed and put at full strength. Few days later the 10th Motorized Cavalry Brigade was transferred to the Cracow Army area.
On August 23 all air force and air defence units as well as 15 infantry divisions and 7 cavalry brigades were put at full combat strength. The first transports to the west started within the following 4 days.
On August 27 further 3 infantry divisions and 2 cavalry brigades were formed as part of 3 divisions foreseen to be put at full strength in the mixed mobilization.
On August 29 the general mobilization of the Polish Forces was declared - through intervention of the ambassadors of Britain and France it was cancelled - just to be declared again on August 30.

On Sept 1rst 1939 Poland was finally "raided" by German Forces...but the Polish Army was IMHO not defeated by a surprise but due to their different and somewhat outdated tactical preparations and the abscence of any offensive operations of French and British Forces on the Western border of Germany that were expected by Poland as an answer to the German attack.

Best regards and I once more admire your great skills!

Absolutely masterful brilliant artwork and sculpting on this all round,the groundwork pulls off the whole scene too.
Again, thank you guys for the nice replies!!!

@Martin; Thanks for pulling this short history lesson, the Poles indeed did fight back hard!!
It was/is also my intention to bring a little light (OK being it mainly from the German side here...) on this campaign as it's not that often seen in the modelling world!

I have an interesting little book on German Fifth Column activities before and during the Polish campaign. It is long out of print, being written in 1940 but it does provide an insight into how the Reich organised the German ex-patriate community in Poland to carry out sabotage and diversionary attacks.
As you say Erik, a campaign not well covered in the hobby.
Thanks for posting this diorama. It is inspirational in all its aspects.
