Raised from the Dead: MV Zombie Community Project!


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Jan 10, 2012
Hi everyone!

Remember the MV Zombie Community Project?


If not,
you can read all about it here:

It was started in January 2016 :D

Raised from the Dead?

With the new studio moved, my life more in balance I was sitting down to a cool painting day with my monkey brother Johannes recently. We chatted and talked about life, drank Coffee and I said the following: "The new studio really arises great energies, kind of these that make me go tackle some projects I did not touch for while, for example the Zombie Project!"


A thought.

I can say it again or I just start.

Well, I did the last.

And I am in full swing:

Do we need more Zombies?
Well, honestly not really. If you still got some at the side, painted for this project please drop me an email to get my actual adress and I will include them, but do not paint new ones for it as the numbers are good. I will count them in the end, but as it looks we are around 350 at the moment ...

My email adress:

Thanks to everyone involved in this so far for your support! Together we create this as a community, even I am kind of doing the art direction behind it. I enjoy it a lot!

To follow the progress you can check back with my Instagram and also see a video there under my Reels of the actual state.

So far from this litte update!
A great weekend to you all and stay healthy!

Keep on happy painting!

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