Recaster Warning


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A Fixture
Sep 9, 2009
Hi All

I have another Russia recaster selling my busts.

I have contacted him directly but to no avail. So he is a new one.

The warning is because these are recasts of recasts,,,so 5th generation copies !!!

If you see my products on ebay and they are from Russia then they are copies !!!

On a sad note it also seams a lot of companies are not taking this problem seriously,,,esp the larger more established "Brand" producers. There is no common goal or drive to stop this.

The process with ebay is tiresome and very tedious but is worth it, the smaller companies are trying !!!

Off to Ebay and the joys of VERO,,,woof woof


I reported somebody on EBay for actually advertising something as a recast. His listing was taken down within a day. I guess they actually have to say it for Ebay to take note.
Raffael Picca (Forged Monkey/FeR) found his being recast this week too. He showed how poor it was on Facebook.

Then there's the eBay sellers who've sold out of production Terrible Kids Stuff minis in the proper packaging..but we're bad resin recasts. Two seen this week. And those were bidded for at above the retail value.

It's disgusting how little respect people have.
Hi Stu, Here's a possible solution, it's messy, but just might work. 1) On any new work, if there's an integeral part cast seperately, e.g. A Rifle, sword Hilt etc, DON'T include it in the Kit. Put a note, with a number in the Kit box, explaining how to redeem the part, and send back the note, you will then ship the part seperately to the customer. Keep a list of who buys which kits with the numbers. You could even treat the paper with an invisible coating thus preventing forgeries. State this on the paper,(wether you do treat it or not). Soon, your new releases will become too messy for the Recasters as there are plenty more companies out there which are easier targets. You could even post a rewards scheme for people who find attempts at recasting your "New" releases. If you get a request from customers with forged notes, then you can trace them by the number to which ever retailer sold it to a recaster. I know it's messy, and an additional expense, but, as a customer with YOUR interests at heart, I would be willing to put up with the added complications, and if you stress the reasons for it, your genuine customers WILL support you in this. Nobody wants to buy 1/2 a kit from a retailer no matter how cheap it is!! and you can view every request for the missing parts,(apart from people you know) as a potential recaster customer. It's a method of control, and a way of stopping this pernitious trade. Make the Bastards stand out!! and NAME them for ALL to see. Ray
Sorry to read about this Stu. In my dealings with you I've been been very well treated, as with quite a number number of other small manufacturers and suppliers around Europe.

These people who take advantage of people trying to earn an honest living sickens me. There are too many unscrupulous vermin around desperate to make money on the back of others and desperate for people to support them without doing any work themselves and living on criminal proceeds and benefits. They are total scum and good luck in depriving some of these idle spongers of a living.

And hats off to Ray for a great idea. Inconvenient it would be but if it means keeping manufacturers in business it would be well worth it.


I've had a good think about this having left the business decades ago because of recasters.

I'm considering approaching my local BBC radio station where the consumer affairs guy has a good record of dealing with EBay.

If any dealers have complained to EBay and are willing to talk to the radio on it off air let me know.

I've just raised a complaint with Ebay about some Aradia miniatures figures and I know a number of sculptors have are are considering stopping selling copies of their work.

Going to push it to the counterfeit good must be destroyed by customs when entering the EU angle and Ebay is not doing enough to help.
Sad enough to read all this as it is. But there's something even more sad. There's a demand side for all these recasts. Maybe a certain percentage of ebay buyers think they aquire the real genuine product but my stomach tells me most don't give a ..... .
On Facebook I've seen a few buyers complaining about the poor quality....and I've seen others moaning about how it's the fault of manufacturers as their prices are too high. I guess paying the sculptor doesn't enter into the tie little world.

The Vero program at ebay have now upheld my rights claim on every occasion at trying.

This particular seller has had 2 goes now...he even tells you they are recasts...nice chap !!! Retard.

If all manufacturers took the time to protect their products then recasting on ebay would be virtually none existant.

Thanks for the ideas but postage is expensive and times are tough.

Hopefully other manufacturers will protect their rights


Glad to hear this Vero program works for you. We've been reading a lot of scolding at eBay, but your experience shows that with a bit of effort one CAN fight back via the platform's rules. I'm surprised to see so many manufacturers reluctant to make the effort.

Glad to hear this Vero program works for you. We've been reading a lot of scolding at eBay, but your experience shows that with a bit of effort one CAN fight back via the platform's rules. I'm surprised to see so may manufacturers reluctant to make the effort.


The Vero program works well. The fact that so many manufacturers dont try harder is disapointing but i suppose they cant complain then when they are being recast freely and then pushing up their prices to account for the loss !!!!
The end looser is the honest buyer paying more to support recasters because of a lack of care.

It's the same old story of what comes first,the demand or the offering.Unfortunately as Rossbach successfully points out there is a much darker aspect to all of this sad story and that is the part of the demand.In a world where information reigns supreme noone can claim they did not or do not know what is going on so the buyer is equally responsible for perpetuating this veritable felony.It is exactly what happens with human trafficking.If you are willing to buy a human being then someone out there will take it upon him/her to provide one for you.
I have discovered recently an ebay store from China where ALL of their products are the latest releases of some of the best companies in 75mm,it is unthinkable that someone will visit a store in China,see all the most up to date releases being sold for 1/3d of the manufacturer's price and will not understand that they are recasts.Let us not bury our heads in the sand.These "gentlemen" have an extensive clientele which supports their criminal transactions.It grieves me deeply that this clientele is actualy comprised of fellow modellers.


PS:There were many times in my life (and will probably be many more) where things were quite tight economically and when I could not afford to buy a figure I really liked or all the figures I had in mind.In that occasion it made a whole lot of difference to me that I had a substantial GA to work with and that after searching I located companies which sell cheaper figures (probably not top class but figures anyway).What I am saying is that anyone can support his/her modelling passion even if money is not freely available so there is really no excuse for buyng recasts.WE can shut them down people!!!!
Hi Stu,

Just experiencing this now on e-bay with a U.K seller from Leeds, have sent him message warning him I am aware and he has removed the items, downside is he has cost me just under £900 in lost sales from my business, not something I can sustain really.

My thoughts on this last night have been to hit him financially, I am giving him/her the opportunity to reimburse me my losses or at least some of it. Failing that I am going to report him to the tax office for undeclared income from running a e-bay business for capital gain. I seriously doubt he/she is a registered business and is declaring that income. There was a major break through with the Tax office a couple of years back where they won a court ruling allowing them access to all e-bay and paypal accounts to enable them to find those profiting from undeclared incomes. Going down this route will cost them far more in the long run when the tax office send them a large fine and also a massive tax bill to pay.
Another avenue is that I will be sending that persons details to the Leeds benefits office, he/she may well be a hard working individual but if not then they can explain to the benefits about their undeclared income and see how they stand financially after that, not good I think !!!
