Hey guys,
Thanks for all the nice words. I have enjoyed painting this one and the challenge of trying to make him look like he is out for the night.
You might be on to something?
Thanks, this is another attempt at my acrylic flesh. I am pretty pleased but still know I have a ways to go.
The flesh was painted using Vallejo acrylics. English uniform + Beige Red for the base then adding more Beige red then adding basic skintone and then for the highest adding in some light skintone. Shadows were more English uniform + burnt umber
The lining was done using a brush, funny I use the same brush to paint the entire figure! :lol: I have spent so much on tons of brushes but use only one, for the past 2 1/2 yrs. I use a W/N Series 7 0 for everything including the eyes. I have found out that using the Vallejo glaze medium it helps to make it flow easier off the brush for fine lines
The reds were Andrea basic red + Andrea Napoleonic Red + a dab of Vallejo Deep Orange. The highlights were more Nap Red + Vallejo Vermilion. The next were adding more Vermilion + Deep Orange and then adding just a touch of basic skintone + the deep orange. The shadows were the base + Vallejo Red Purple (not sure if this is the correct name, will find out and make sure) then a tiny amount of Andrea Prussian blue.
Well, here is another picture and hopefully I will have the finished one soon.
Thanks for looking,