Regarding Reviews


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Guy, keep up the great work.

For someone who comes from a land where historical figures are scarce, your reviews are most welcome!

I wasn't aware of any objections but anyone who feels strongly could most certainly do their own one's stopping them. The format and objectivity of your reviews are certainly appreciated. I know I've thought of doing some reviews but have never found the time. But you have made that time for us.

I certainly have no problem with you accumulating all these figures 'cos i bet you'll only have the time to paint 10% of these (if you're lucky!). Whatever you do with the balance is your right and a privelege you've earned. Keep 'em coming!
~ Basil
In this Internet age, anybody with a digicam and a spell check program can call himself a reviewer. The reality is that it takes much more than that.

Reviewing requires at least some knowledge about the subject, a discerning eye plus the rare ability to convey one's impressions to the public in an informative AND entertaining way. GOOD reviewers are becoming rarer and rarer especially with the specialised printed press dwindling down to a trickle.

In my experience, Guy Herrick is one of the GOOD reviewers left. In fact he's the best in the web. Over the years I've sent him PiLiPiLi kits to review and every time he's done it admirably.

What Guy's doing with the review samples afterwards is none of my concern. But I'd consider it a great honor if he'd only sit down and PAINT them. ;)

Guy, never mind the sour puss and keep on giving us your great reviews.

What I like about your reviews is that there are so many photos of all the stuff from different angles. Because of that alone I think your reviews are very helpfull.
You show us whats in the bag and this is even more important when more and more purchases are being made as mailorder.

What could be made better is adressing fit of parts more. But that would take much more time and I can easily understand that its not an option more than the usual dryfitting or in some cases even removing plugs to check fit.

If something is given to you, arent you free to do whatever you want with it?

The reasons you get the kits is that the manufacturers think they can benefit from it. And this rather cheap. So I dont see any wrong in it.

Although there are others doing reviews that I dont have much faith in, and thats all I have to say about that.

Janne Nilsson
I don't like your reviews and heres why. You've cost me alot of money.:) No really. I read your review look the photos over of the bust or figure and yep you guessed it, I go out and buy one.:D My closet and wallet will tell you it true. No really just keep at it I enjoy them. Regards Brock
Hi Guy,

Even though my passion for Young Miniatures has been such that a bust of theirs I fancy usually reaches me days or sometimes weeks before a review here on Planet, I have count on your invaluable output for the 75% of Young kits that I didn't eventually go for. Your works have been eagerly awaited just like the monthly Andrea and Pegaso updates and I can't imagine life withthout it.

I remember one occasion when I suggested a recent Young release saw the return of a very angular nose sculpt in your review, causing disputes. That was unpleasant of me. I would like to take this chance to apologize.

As for the reviewer getting the kit for free, I dont see how that should be subject to criticism, by anyone. Yes it qualifies as a cause of envy (or not). But kits being passed around even without a purpose as specific as reviewing is a common thing, and I find that heart-warming as it shows a generous and 'Pal' side of hobbylists. It honestly happens a lot, as many planeteers would agree. To raise that as a criticism, someone must be so tedious and confused.

I have a complaint!!!!

You keep costing me money!! Your reviews are excellent and I keep getting the "I wants" !! I have an excellent grey army thanks to you and your great reviews!

Keep em coming my friend and I'll keep working the overtime to afford em! (y)


Kevin D.
I LOVE your reviews :D, so just keep doing them and ignore the negative feedback as these commentators have no idea what they are talking about ;) ! Your impartial "show and tell" of each kit reviewed, warts and all, have influenced a few of my purchases too :eek: !!! Cheers !
Kenneth (y).

I think everything is said and because I make some reviews here and at hz-forum too I know how much time I spend to do them

And I like you reviews because so I know what I can buy or not and can see the figures not only as a beautiful "boxart"

I waiting for the next reviews from you

Guy, being fairly new to PF I find your reviews most helpful in deciding on any purchases and believe me I have purchased a few solely on the merits of your review, which once the figure/bust has arrived I found just as you have reviewed. As for the "FREEBIES" they are earned as far as Im concerned. So keep up the great work. Les
Dear Guy!

Your's reviews are very helpful and let to understand the whole picture what the figurine is. First of all casting quality. If somebody understand the historical period of the figure, he also can understand if it worth to buy this kit or not. But without your review with lot of photos it's impossible to receive this decision.

But still, even if you were not do these reviews, I would send to you the kits, because I appreciate your help, I appreciate you as person, and I really upset because of this topic. I can't believe that there are people who .... ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Guy, please, keep going!
Hi Guy, hi the friend!
I both my friend, and colleagues always thank you !

Please do not pay attention - people likely have the big envy, these are greedy people.

I have sent for your review on "PF" my new figures, and I wait your review! I am always glad to look, and grateful for your help.

With hot respect, Sergey Zlobov (Zlobov*S).
My best friend, everything is being sayed. The people who made some remarks on your revieuws are just jealous people.
I don't buy a figure without seeing a revieuw out of your hand.
So, I hope you keep them coming.......
And the kits that are given.....Do what you want to do..

Without question, keep up the great work. No one takes the time or puts in the efforts you do with these reviews, they are both an asset and an eye opener for both the Planet and the manufacturers.

Jay H.
My best friend, everything is being sayed. The people who made some remarks on your revieuws are just jealous people.
I don't buy a figure without seeing a revieuw out of your hand.
So, I hope you keep them coming.......
And the kits that are given.....Do what you want to do..



Guess I will raise my hand as one of the "idiots, whiners, or jealous people" that have some reservations about your reviews. I am not saying they are not helpful or appreciated, quite the contrary. However, I have seen more than a few figures where the sculpting has been questionable, the proportions and anatomy off, or the casting rough to say the least, and these things are a bit glossed over with statements such as "is to be expected", "best figure yet from this manufacturer", or there was not mention of it at all. Now I realize I can look at the pictures and make a decision for myself if the figure looks more simian than human, or if the details are carved with the finesse of an Aztec stone carving, but to me, to recommend such figures without any hint of hesitation or qualification makes no sense. I know it takes time and is labor intensive to do a review, but if the result is always going to be "recommended" or "highly recommended", why even bother writing anything, why not just post the pics? I frequently wonder just what the criteria would be to not recommend a kit, or just how bad it would have to be to not recommend it, because I own some of the figures that have been reviewed here that were recommended, and I can only say I wouldn't recommend them, at least not without a lot of reservations. One person even posted that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything, which I responded by saying how does that help anyone? Critiquing and criticizing are two different things, but I get the feeling that many people can't differentiate between the two, and to fairly critique a figure is viewed as the same as criticizing the person that produced it. Now I just glance at the pictures in your reviews, knowing I don't really need to read the conclusion because I know its going to be recommended. As an example of what I consider the most useful of reviews, Terry Ashley at Perth Military Modeling does reviews of armored vehicle kits, which are in depth and informative, and his conclusions on the accuracy, quality and recommendations whether to buy a kit are pretty much industry standard. In fact, he took Dragon to task so often for the mistakes they continued to make, they set up a blog to harass and belittle his conclusions. He may not be able to do so many reviews, but the ones he does are pretty much look at as gospel.
Now I await the usual "how many reviews have you done" commentary, which my answer is exactly 2. I have been doing figures for 20+ years, and have probably several hundred tucked away here and there, all that I have bought.Just my 2 cents.
Jason. I posted the "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything," statement. If I remember correctly that was about somebody slating a sculpting attempt, not reviews.
Jason I don't have a problem with you expressing your opinion but surely If anyone disagrees with a review for whatever reason shouldn't they speak up and add to the reviewers thread and help potential purchasers make an informed decision?

Keep the reviews coming Guy and if anyone disagrees add to the review with constructive comments.

Guy's reveiws are great because they show us what is in the box, he doesnt nead to crtique nor criticse because we as modellers can make our own minds up from what we see.

If guy did comment he would probably be slated for not mentioning that the 3rd button down was slightly not in line and not to that persons liking.

He recommends the kit to people who like it

Kits can get enough criticsm before they come to review and guy's reviews can sometimes show those that did the shoutin that they spoke before thinking

Figures are not tanks

Guy I think you are doing us figure painter a great service and without people like you are hobby would be a lesser one. I can only speak for myself but the camera does not lie if people don’t like what they see or how you have reviewed it, then just don’t read the next one!!! I for one will be reading.
Thanks Sam
Jason. I posted the "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything," statement. If I remember correctly that was about somebody slating a sculpting attempt, not reviews.

Hi Carl,
Could have been, but I think it still applies, thanx.

Jason I don't have a problem with you expressing your opinion but surely If anyone disagrees with a review for whatever reason shouldn't they speak up and add to the reviewers thread and help potential purchasers make an informed decision?

Keep the reviews coming Guy and if anyone disagrees add to the review with constructive comments.

I guess that would be an option, but I get the feeling that anything posted in response would just turn a review thread into something, well, like this one. A big argument on the reviewers credentials, what criteria is being used for reviewing a figure and recommending it, and whether anyone cares that the uniform being worn by the figure is totally wrong, just as long as it's well sculpted. How many times have we had a Roman figure posted, and some of the first comments have been "well here comes the accuracy nazi's to tell us how wrong the armor is" ? To me thats important, and I would review a figure negatively based on accuracy, not just on how well it sculpted, and then it would be a big go around about what should and shouldn't be important. Thats why I refrain from commenting, it probably not going to accomplish anything, so I just look at the pictures and move on. The only reason I posted on this thread was the Guy asked for input, and I'm not even sure where the other site is that he mentioned.