- Joined
- Jan 10, 2012
- Messages
- 7

Philip says:
"It's always a pleasure to learn from Roman. He's an amazing teacher with fantastic skills not just painting but teaching as well. The courses are well-structured, so I was able to lean back and just trust the teaching and the process while focussing all energy towards learning and painting (which one will need, since it's a lot to absorb).
Roman is also very approachable, despite many other students with lots of questions. There's also tons to discover in the studio in the meantime. Don't even get me started on all the materials that are available to use during all stages. It was my second beginner course and I thought even during the first few hours that I saw it all, but in the end there was a model that was another few notches better than the last one.
If I had to highlight the one single thing that is great about the workshops it's the creative vibe, the energy in the room, the people to share knowledge with and the inspiration that follows the weeks afterwards.
Thank you, Roman, for taking the time to share your knowledge, for keep learning to share even more in better ways, for always improving yourself and the ways you teach and providing such an amazing creative space."

Hello Jungle of Massive Voodoo,
welcome to a review of another one of my Beginner Workshops.
Some weeks ago I had the pleasure to welcome a large group of painters travelling from all over Germany my hometown, Augsburg.
Some weeks ago I had the pleasure to welcome a large group of painters travelling from all over Germany my hometown, Augsburg.
First, I want to thank everyone for joining up and the will to learn from me. Thank you all for a splendid and fun weekend together and the nice time spent and enjoyed togehter. You have been a wonderful group of students. I was especially amazed to see so many new faces to this seminar and also happy about the repeaters of the class.
Thank you all for joining up for this beautiful workshop weekend, for the first time in the new studio!
I also want to thank you all for your great and kind feedback to the workshop. It will carry this review!
I am super amazed by your results of this Beginner Workshop.

The theory parts contain:
- Learn to see your world with different eyes
- Introduction into basing composition
- Learn how to feel harmony in different aspects
- Important contrasts for figure painting
- Explanation about how to paint a light situation on your figure
- Understand colour theory and learn how to use it properly
- Learn about different materials, their unique properties and learn to paint them
- Learn to lose fear of doing something wrong
- much more!
The word 'beginner' might be confusing to many first time participants of this class.
It is not a class for 'only' beginners. In fact it is a class for every person, at every age interested in figure painting, whatever their experience level is.
'Beginners class' means here that Roman aka jarhead gives an introduction into his way of thinking while painting, in detail a lot of important theory is explained while doing a walk through Art History and is used in practical exercises. During the weekend you will not only learn to improve your painting skills, you will also learn the 'Why?' behind everything explained and with that you will be able to teach yourself in your own hobby future by just recognizing what nature has to offer.
When it comes to basing
I got to thank the supporters of this class who made the class wonderful due their help in sponsoring some of their products, beside my own crazy material collection:

David says:
"Roman Lappat versteht es wie kein anderer, Inhalte und Gemaltes seinen Teilnehmern in sehr lockerer Runde und auf höchstem Niveau weiterzugeben. Man merkt sofort an, dass er seine jahrelange Erfahrung gut und gerne teilt und diese mit Leichtigkeit Neulingen, als auch Erfahrenen Teilnehmern weitergeben kann. Dabei geht er systematisch vor und unterteilt seine Kurse in mehrere Kapitel auf, wovon Jedes durch Hintergrundinformationen, Erfahrungsschatz und Bemalbeispielen nur so sprudelt. Er lässt seinen Kursteilnehmern aber dennoch ausreichend Zeit und Raum, sein vorgetragenes Wissen in Ihre eigene Figur ein fließen zu lassen um am Ende des Kurses mit einem wertvollen Wissensschatz und einer selbsterstellten Figur nach Hause gehen zu können. Und selbst zuhause angekommen, ist man durch das erhaltene Wissen des Kurses und dem Handout noch lange mit beschäftigt, seine Eindrücke auf zukünftige Projekte umsetzen zu können.
Wer Roman noch nicht live erlebt hat, sollte es definitiv probieren – Enttäuschung ausgeschlossen. "
Oliver says:
"Wollte mich auch nochmal bei dir für das tolle Wochenden bedanken. Es war sehr motivierend und hilfreich und hat mich auch gerade mit meinem Projekt weiter gebracht. Vielen Herzlichen Dank dafür nochmal. Es war einfach schön und ich freue mich schon dich auf dem Advanced in Mai wieder zu sehen. "

Thomas says:
"It was really an intense weekend with much to learn and a lot of good laughs!
Throughout Roman was a great host and teacher who gave great insights and also created
an atmosphere where you were feeling free to experiment without the fear of failure.
You really notice that not only painting but teaching is his passion.
Thanks Roman, I definitely learned a lot and
plan to visit your workshops again in the future!"

Martin says:
"Vielen Dank für die Möglichkeit, Dich und Deinen Workshop kennen zu lernen.
Zum Sonntag hin sind wir alle etwas lockerer geworden

Ich hoffe und glaube, durch dieses Wochenende mein Malmojo wieder gefunden zu haben.
Nach 2 Jahren Hauskauf und Sanierung, in Eigenleistung, bin ich zu sehr wenig gekommen.
Dies wird sich nun ändern."

Markus says:
"Mir hat es sehr gut getan einfach nur Schüler bei einem sehr guten Lehrer lernen zu dürfen. Ich war nicht zum nachvollziehen verdammt, sondern wurde gut an die Hand genommen, neue Lernschritte zu gehen und Probleme zu lösen. Dein Unterricht hatte für mich drei zentrale Elemente guten Unterrichts, die oft vergessen werden. Er war einladend, ermutigend und inspirierend."

again I want to thank everyone for attenting this seminar.
It really made my heart jump with joy to hear your beautiful feedback and see you all learned a big deal of my way of happy painting and what it means for me and for you from now on. Like I said, everyone of us is on his own journey on growth and collecting experience. I am really proud of you!
Thank you all for your support in my teachings and art!
Keep on happy painting!
Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023.
If you are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of the list - when new dates get available.
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