Hi Richard
Have joined this site to let you know about Richard the Lionheart or Coeur De Lion as he is known in France.I have researched this a lot,Mr Rohmann is correct with the second image apart from the claws,if you google mr boneheads dragbike on images you will see the shield emblem painted on my tank,I live in France and Richard the lion heart spent most of his 10yr reign as king of England in the area the Limousin in which i live.The 3 lions that most people asociate with England was adopted towards the end of his reign before in 1899,Whilst crushing a revolt by Aimar the viscount of Limoges Richard took over a virtually unarmed castle called Chalus Chabrol, in march 1899 was he walking without chain mail around the castle walls laughing at one of his crossbow men who was using a frying pan to hit back objects being thrown by the French,unfortunately an arrow was fired outside the walls from which struck Richard in the shoulder.The young boy who shot the arrow was brought before the dying king and stated he had shot Richard in revenge for killing his father and two brothers,however rather than having the boy killed he pardoned him and gave him 100 shillings.Richard later died 6 April 1899 when the wound became gangrenous and became known as The king That By The Ant Was Slain ,Richards body parts distributed around France,but his act of kindness was fruitless as on Richards death the mercenary Captain Mercadier had the boy flailed alive and hung. Hope this has been of help and good luck with the model.
Regards from France Mr B