Ok Guys, now I'm working on the flesh tones, kinda colder and dark look, just what I want for this kind of subject. I use different mix, a base color of brown sand + purple red + azur, the 1st, 2st and 3th lights just adding basic skintone and the 4th light brown sand + basic skintone, the 5th light only basic skintone.
Now the shadows, the 1st and 2st is a mix of the base color + cadmium maroon, the 3th is the same than the 2st + dark prusian blue and the 4th is the base color + black
Tones are purple red + cadmium maroon
Here is a pic with all the mix, lights and shadows:
and the face
I also painted a little cut in the left side with a mix of the tone color + a bit of the 2th shadow
The hair is not ready yet, but is a mix of black + english uniform