Review Roger Ranger (Figure) from RP models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everybody,

continue to release companion figures alongside the bust releases giving the modellers a choice of scales to work with .

The previous was Lassen VC which I reviewed here:

The release of Rogers Ranger was announced by the owner and founder Hugo here and on social media

RP have gained in momentum and in quality of textures with every release , the thing I like to see is that they listen to the modellers during WIP and before committing to casting ...accuracy and action are some of the keywords in everyday use.

The figure we are looking at :


Lets have a few words of wisdom from Roger Ranger himself :

The British sent Crown forces from England to fortify the colonies and fight the French and Indian invaders, but it was also necessary to recruit soldiers from the colonial population. The British army found that fighting an enemy in the near-wilderness of North America was too much for their massed regiments. The dense forests and mountainous terrain required fighting men who knew the habits of the enemy and could serve effectively as scouts and skirmishers.From 1754 to 1763 Europe and the Americas were caught up in a conflict between England, under King George II, and France, under King Louis XV. In Europe this period was known as the Seven Years' War; in North America it came to be called the French and Indian War. It was a conflict over trade and land.

"…I do therefore Hereby Constitute and Appoint you the said Robert Rogers to be Captain of an Independent Company of Rangers to be forthwith raised and Employ'd…"

Men from local communities and nearby states were recruited to join ranger companies in the Hudson Valley campaign. The New Hampshire man Robert Rogers formed the most notable of these ranger companies.

"On the 23d, I waited on the General, and met with a very friendly reception; he soon intimated his design of giving me the command of an independent company of rangers, and the very next morning I received the commission, with a set of instructions."

Rogers grew up in southern New Hampshire, in an area which had known years of murderous Indian raids. He had the knowledge and the spirit to make a good ranger commander, and both he and his brother James joined the war in the King's service as rangers. Soon his own company, Rogers' Rangers, was in service in the upper Hudson River area where they became known for their successful but unorthodox tactics.

"my men lay concealed in a thicket of willows, while I crept something nearer, to a large pine-log, where I concealed myself, by holding bushes in my hand."

The Rangers wore distinctive green outfits and practiced tactics called "Rogers' Rules of Ranging," which the British considered unconventional. Rogers hired men solely on merit and shocked regular commanders with his use of Indians and freed slaves.

"According to the General's orders, my company was to consist of sixty private, at 3s. New York currency per day, three searjents at 4s. an Ensign at 5s. a lieutenant at 7s. and my own pay was fixed at 10s. per day. Ten Spainish dollars were allowed each man towards providing cloaths, arms, and blankets."

He trained his men in military arts such as small unit tactics and musket target practice (which the regular Crown command considered a waste of ammunition). His military tactics were so bold and effective that his unit became the Crown forces' chief scouting unit in the late 1750's.

"from time to time, to use my best endeavours to distress the French and their allies, by sacking, burning, and destroying their houses, barns, barracks, canoes, battoes, &c. and by killing their cattle of every kind; and at all times to endeavor to way-lay, attack and destroy their convoys of provisions by land and water, in any part of the country where I could find them."

Books are easily obtained the sketchbook series is packed full of line drawing and is well worth looking at .


Continued in next post

Lets look at the Resin

Title: Robert Rogers "Roger Ranger" ( from the Battles and Commanders series)

Reference: RPM-75-12-002

No of parts: 13

Material: Gray Resin

Sculpting and Box Art: 3D and Computer Artwork

As with all of RP releases the parts were safely packed in a strong box , in bags and in bubble wrap, also included is a history of the subject with a certificate of authenticity , the releases from RP are all limited in runs , in this case its 300 so its best to get one when you can !!!
RP Roger 75 001.jpg RP Roger 75 002.jpg
Parts consist of the main figure , 2 arms , the musket(with hand, the axe ( also with hand) powder horn, satchel, the strap ends for the horn , the ties for the leggings , weapon strap and a tree trunk.

RP Roger 75 003.jpg


Minimal to say the least ...small plugs and flashing to easily be removed , remove and fit the horn straps and legging ties , satchel to fit , as well as the hands into the wrists on the arms, the most delicate part to remove is the weapon strap ( this method is being looked at as a result of the bust review I believe ....good to see another example of RP listening and acting on comments)
There is a fine casting line running up the inside of the extended leg and up the torso , very fine and easy to remove.

Fit the figure to tree trunk ( this is a substantial join so as its resin pinning is not a requirement IMO )

Looking at the pieces now

The Main Figure , this is a dramatic and action packed pose with the ranger pushing off the tree trunk wearing full leggings , suffice to say the top half is the same as the bust with all the same amount of details , very well cast again showing really good folds and undercuts , the bayonet, small bag and the water bottle are all cast to the figure .
The head is in the same shouting position , aggressive with all the details , teeth . tongue , the cap again has the correct shape and banding , straps are all over the chest , the undercuts are really good with folds of the material being well done and in line with the movement .
There are textures on the straps and the equipment as in the bust but obviously on a smaller scale ...but all there well done to all .
RP Roger 75 006.jpg
RP Roger 75 004.jpg
RP Roger 75 005.jpg
RP Roger 75 007.jpgRP Roger 75 008.jpgRP Roger 75 009.jpgRP Roger 75 010.jpgRP Roger 75 011.jpgRP Roger 75 012.jpg
RP Roger 75 013.jpg

The remaining pieces as I said all have the same level of details in the bust , crisply cast and fitting well and easy to fit

The Arms

RP Roger 75 016.jpgRP Roger 75 017.jpg


RP Roger 75 015.jpgRP Roger 75 018.jpg

Powder Horn and Satchel

RP Roger 75 019.jpg RP Roger 75 020.jpg

The Weapon strap
RP Roger 75 014.jpg

The Tree Trunk ...this is well sculpted with all the surface work of the bark and the ends being very evident , a small work of art in its own right .
RP Roger 75 021.jpgRP Roger 75 022.jpg

Final Thoughts

So there you have it a Rogers Ranger in 75mm very well cast and sculpted , nice presentation , this will make a good display piece . Its good to see a company working like RP are and long may it continue


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FB : www.facebook/RPmodels

Thanks to rp.jpg for the review pieces and to you all for looking in

...Enjoy whatever you model ,whatever scale .....but mostly have fun and share your work


In first place I want too express my gratitute to your comments in review, and I want to give CONGRATULATIONS for the Excellent Review...

Once again, thanks to you and all our friends, Ive sure that RPmodels is in the good way... Many things we have to change and improve, but I believe in the future...

With this review its possible to see there are no layers on RPmodels figures... We use the last advance tecnology to develop and create better figures with extreme and high detail figures...

Today we live difficult days... I readed some news about the difficulties that we live today... And you can believe me... Its not easy... Im not complain about nothing, because RPmodels is a passion, and I do everthing with passion and because I love to different things... And I enjoy a lot to doing this... So I will continue doing this, growing like a person and professional...

Thank you for everthing.
Big ugg and take care