Hey guys.
Thank you very much for the encouragement and nice words, I always appreciate them.
Hey Wong,
usually never dry brush metal, but I have used it on occasion for other things.
the figure is a 90 mm. and it is definitely well scupted.
the reason why you don't see any holes ,is because I glue the extremities on the figure with two part epoxy,when dry I drill a hole through the part and into the figure and I insert a metal rod coated with epoxy glue,fill the hole,let dry and than carefully sand it. As far as filling gaps after attaching painted parts, I've never had a problem, usually if the figure is well cast and well sculpted you will never have the problem.
I always to the the armor first and the face last.
Stephan this is a close up picture of the Lorica squamata that you requested,
this is the best I can do with my camera.hope this helps.
If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.