Review Roman Auxillary Catafratari from RP Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

The postman has been busy delivery much to review one is this piece ...or should I say pieces!!

Following on from the announcement by Hugo Pereira here:

Also my previous look at a Catafratari here:

We continue with the heavy armoured mounted ancient warrior , as always in a action pose in combat with a enemy but this time we are on a horse rather than camel


This will be a big review so I will just add some books and pics to look at for the subject



Details of the release:

Title: Roman Auxilia Catafratari (Ancient World )

Reference: RP-120-01-005

Scale: 120mm (Limited to 120 units)

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 35 plus information insert

Sculptor: 3D

Casting : YS Castings ( Yiannis )

Box Art: N/A

General comments

  • A lot of resin in a big box measuring 18cm wide x 12cm high x 15.5cm depth
  • Resin split between 7 clear bags with the base being at the bottom of the box
  • All parts were totally surrounded by bubble wrap
  • this is a big kit so careful build planning is needed
  • Pieces dry fit well together and are sensibly thought out
  • No build instructions are included
Overall casting is very good I will highlight areas that need dealing with as we go through
As I said a lot of parts which you can see here :

RP 120 Cat and wouded 002.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 001.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 003.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 004.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 005.jpg

Lets look at the horse and the way its put together

This is a powerful animal and this is reflected in the sculpt with the pose being a rearing one , the pieces fit together easily by means of accurate posts and cutouts

There are casting lines and a small amount of excess to remove

2 pieces to the actual horse before the head and armored trappings are added

Very good muscle definition with a the horse shoes being detailed on the front legs

There is a cutout to locate the swirling tail , on this it is covered with a highly decorated surround

RP 120 Cat and wouded 006.jpg RP 120 Cat and wouded 007.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 008.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 010.jpg
RP 120 Cat and wouded 009.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 013.jpg
RP 120 Cat and wouded 011.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 014.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 022.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 023.jpg

Continued in next post

On now to the horses head and the horse armour

General comments

  • These are areas where RP have really gone to town the details are really good
  • Fit is very very good after removing the casting line on the inside a small amount of resin to sand away on the lower edge head part
  • On the main piece or barding there is a slight bit of casting line to remove , fit is good to the horse body parts
  • Fine details are everywhere but for me the head piece or shaffron is excellent
Let the pictures show you what I mean...

RP 120 Cat and wouded 024.jpg
RP 120 Cat and wouded 025.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 028.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 026.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 027.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 021.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 017.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 018.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 020.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 015.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 019.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 016.jpg

Click on pics for larger images if you wish

Continued in the next post

Now lets look at the combatants

Firstly the Catafratari consisting of 8 parts , legs, torso, head , 2 arms and boots
  • The legs are sculpted sitting in a roman saddle which is very well depicted , there is a small amount of resin to sand off at back
  • The legs are armored the thigh pieces are sectioned with the edging having stitching shown
  • The greaves are well decorated including some wonderful lions heads at the knees . these are held in place by straps pulling into the legs
  • The actual trousers are nicely creased with folds with a fine casting line to sand away
  • The body armour sits over the waist and again sharp details on the scales
  • The ankles are shaped to take the boots
RP 120 Cat and wouded 032.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 030.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 029.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 034.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 035.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 033.jpg

Upper Torso

Consisting of 2 parts the main body and the head with a section of cape

The armored detailing continues with the actual scales being sculpted to reflect the movement the lower part having a series of plates of armour around , the edges are all edged with stitching

The arms are positioned as per the action the left raised higher, both upper arms are protected by plates again with securing straps , with cutouts to fit the lower arms

Small casting line to remove on the underside but after this is done fit is good

RP 120 Cat and wouded 036.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 038.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 039.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 040.jpg


This has been cleverly thought out with a mask being cast already in place so no flesh to think about , the face definition is good and includes a moustache as seen in artifacts

The top part of the cape is wrapped around the shoulders with good folds and details in the way of a pattern

For me the cape looks a little thicker to scale but casting cannot have been easy so I understand why , the cape edge has 2 cutouts to fit the lower piece to

Fit to the actual body is accurate and no filler needed

RP 120 Cat and wouded 044.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 045.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 046.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 047.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 048.jpg

Lower arms and boots

The arms are easy to fit into place with the same high resolution detail on the armour in the shape of swirls , nice strap work and folds ....I feel it would have been easier if these were cast on with the body as they are a little fiddly to get them in the right position to take the spear

On the left arm there is a lug to take the shield

RP 120 Cat and wouded 041.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 042.jpg

The boots are textured and fit easily to the ankles , good folds , underneath we need to remove excess resin

RP 120 Cat and wouded 043.jpg


Perfectly rounded and with a great decoration on the front with a lions head , the main flowing over the surface

RP 120 Cat and wouded 049.jpg


This is pointed and sectioned with nice defined panels , the decorated cheek pieces are cast on....a little thick for me in scale but you can sand back if you wish

To fit the helmet do so from the front of the cast on head

RP 120 Cat and wouded 085.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 086.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 087.jpg

Continued in next post

Now to our poor enemy.....who is on the receiving end of the spear , this is very well thought out as you will see

Consisting of 6 pieces, torso , legs , head , arms and shield

Depicting a germanic warrior with hair in the distinctive side knot style


A simple top with a belt with hanging ends is sculpted , really good and natural folds all over with the belt pulling into the body well , the underside is deep and fits well to the legs

Thrust into the belt we have a long knife ...nice addition

Particularly of note is the wound caused by the spear which when made up will go right through him

The front has the clothing ripped apart with a very well thought out location hole to take part of the spear the Catafratari wields , at the rear we see the exit wound the spear pushing the clothing out ....this is clearly something that has come from Hugo's medical knowledge so well done

RP 120 Cat and wouded 053.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 052.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 051.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 050.jpg


These are in the position as a result of the impact of the attack and looks good , again folds and creases are well formed and fit is easy to the torso

RP 120 Cat and wouded 054.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 055.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 056.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 057.jpg


These are bow well muscled with fitting being accurate , the left hand is cast on the fingers splayed out in pain , good finger definition

There are fine casting lines to remove but nothing drastic

RP 120 Cat and wouded 058.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 059.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 060.jpg


Again the agony of the attack shows well on the facial features mouth open ,eyes shut together in pain , nice beard with texture and of course the hair style is well done , around the neck a torque

There is a fine casting line to remove from the rear of the head

RP 120 Cat and wouded 064.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 062.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 061.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 063.jpg


Round in shape with a front with a circular design all are well cast , the rear has good planking work

RP 120 Cat and wouded 065.jpg RP 120 Cat and wouded 066.jpg

Continued in the next post

Remaining Pieces


The catafratari has a large flowing cloak packed full of a intricate pattern , moving with the action being done

Fit is by cast on resin posts but I would certainly say pin this as well , some filler is needed when together , again for me the scale thickness looks a little too much

RP 120 Cat and wouded 069.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 068.jpg RP 120 Cat and wouded 070.jpg

Germanic's cloak

This is a animal skin well textured on the upper surfaces and again in a action position , consisting of 2 pieces again joined as the other , filler will also be needed

There is some flashing to remove at the neck part with a sharp modelling knife

What is clever and good to see is the the end of the spear is already cast in place ...good idea and looks effective

RP 120 Cat and wouded 072.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 074.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 073.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 071.jpg


The spear consists of 3 parts , removing from formers will be needed , one part has a point with a hand cast onto it , the other part also has a hand on it both show good details , the 3rd part is smaller ...I suggest you dryfit before committing to anything stronger

We also have a thin sword which fits nicely into the cutout on the Catafratari's side

There is also a axe being in the warriors hand ...well styled and with handle texture ....the hand is worked to show the moment in time he will drop the weapon after the impact of the spear , he figers are open and just about to loosen their grip

RP 120 Cat and wouded 080.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 079.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 081.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 077.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 078.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 076.jpg

This shows the reins cast to fit , some might like to replace these with thinner versions , on the right is the helmet top pieces ...easy to fit and adds movement

RP 120 Cat and wouded 084.jpg

These first 2 are for the sword , the 3rd for the shield and the right hand for the belt

RP 120 Cat and wouded 083.jpg


Like this review its a big piece and is heavy . depiction of a rocky ground and very solid indeed , there are locating holes fro the pieces ...again I would suggest you consider pinning

Some slight sanding around the edges and of course it could be incorporated into a larger basework !!

RP 120 Cat and wouded 091.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 088.jpg

RP 120 Cat and wouded 089.jpgRP 120 Cat and wouded 090.jpg

Final thoughts

This is a very interesting and challenging piece to look at and I have no doubt will give many hours of happy benchtime and result in a so impressive display piece

Overall casting is good some work needed to remove casting lines

Recommended for sure ...a great long term project and the end result will be amazing


Again its only right that congratulations are again going to Hugo and his family ....there is a heck of a lot of time spent packing the pieces up even in the limited casting runs RP do

Again RP would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all PF members and so many others on their valuable input

Thanks to RP for the review piece:)

For more details contact:

[email protected]


E mail: [email protected]

or you can contact Hugo via this site

Thank you for looking in on this little review hope you found it of for a extremely large coffee!!!

Great review of this amazing vignette. Fantastic sculpting work and amazing look to the details. Thanks for sharing Nap :)

Cheers Borek
Great review Nap with nice pics taken
This piece is amazing so much to look at, I love the horse but then the rider is awesome.
Just all kinds of AWESOME really!!!
Is this out yet Kev?

Looks amazing. And the pattern on the cape gives those of us who are crap at freehand a fighting chance of making it look elaborate and good.

Very good & detailed review as usual.

- Steve
Is this out yet Kev?

Looks amazing. And the pattern on the cape gives those of us who are crap at freehand a fighting chance of making it look elaborate and good.

Very good & detailed review as usual.

- Steve

Hi Steve

Thanks for comments appreciate it ..yes it's released

Happy benchtime

Awesome, the 'kebabed' figure is what was missing from the previous release of the 'Parthian Camel Catafratari', so well done to Hugo and Nuno. :):)