Hi Tony great progress has been made on this turning him into a lovely model.
I love the way you use different mediums on your models, well done.
These are probably the final WIP pics before completion.
I've added a series of oil washes over the flesh and leather parts and added some oil paint on the cloak to smooth out some of the transitions.
The surface is still a bit shiny, however once the pastel chalk is brushed on I'll spray the bust with Dullcote and then go back with some satin gloss to add shine to the skin and the metals.
Thanks Dimitrios, its not quite finished yet but I appreciate your feedback mate.
G'day Ben, thanks. I've been keeping a low profile recently but still slapping paint when ever I get a chance. Can't wait to see what you bring to WASMEx this year mate. Should be a good turn out.
I've brushed on some Tamiya Flat Base X-21 to the cloak and it's now dead flat.
I decided against spraying Dullcote, as it makes everything flat, and I want to maintain some sheen on the flesh and the leather.
Yes it did Carl, but with repeated brushing with a damp flat clean brush I managed to get it to dry flat and smooth. I'll post some pics in a day or two once its finished.