Looking great pal! Can you explain us the face painting method regarding this green base color? What is the purpose behind it?
I've come across this before but I cannot remember where. I believe the green base coating is an undercoating method used in oil portraiture.
Sadziu, great flesh tones and face in general, congratulations
Always amazes me to see how the different stages finally come together to produce a great finished result, I mean this face started of like Frankenstein's monster, so looking forward to the other stages and if possible some form of description of the paints and processes that you are using would be a great help to many of us struggling painters.
Hi Maciek
Great to see the way your doing flesh ...greens new to me but obviously works well as we see here
If you can could you take a picture of the actual colours used ...
Following this with much interest
Thanks for sharing
Happy benchtime
You aren't painting the crest box or helmet silver? "[C]enturiones...habebat...transversis et argentatis cristis, ut celerius agnoscerentur a suis" De re militari II, XVI ("Centurions...had...transverse and silvered crests so as to be more quickly recognisable to their men").