WIP Roman centurio young miniatures


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Jan 4, 2023
Finally I have some time to paint another bust. I'm planning on posting my process here in parts/stages.
Part I :flesh
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The next part will be cloth or mmm. I didn't decided yet what to paint next.
Always amazes me to see how the different stages finally come together to produce a great finished result, I mean this face started of like Frankenstein's monster, so looking forward to the other stages and if possible some form of description of the paints and processes that you are using would be a great help to many of us struggling painters.
I've come across this before but I cannot remember where. I believe the green base coating is an undercoating method used in oil portraiture.
Sadziu, great flesh tones and face in general, congratulations
Hi Maciek

Great to see the way your doing flesh ...greens new to me but obviously works well as we see here

If you can could you take a picture of the actual colours used ...

Following this with much interest

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime

Looking great pal! Can you explain us the face painting method regarding this green base color? What is the purpose behind it?

I've come across this before but I cannot remember where. I believe the green base coating is an undercoating method used in oil portraiture.
Sadziu, great flesh tones and face in general, congratulations

Always amazes me to see how the different stages finally come together to produce a great finished result, I mean this face started of like Frankenstein's monster, so looking forward to the other stages and if possible some form of description of the paints and processes that you are using would be a great help to many of us struggling painters.

Hi Maciek

Great to see the way your doing flesh ...greens new to me but obviously works well as we see here

If you can could you take a picture of the actual colours used ...

Following this with much interest

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime


OK, so first of all the technique is called verdaccio.Its traditional oil potrait technique. My version is an abberation from traditional way, normally its way less saturated and in fact do nothing for color tones.BUT. I use it to lay basic values and as I found out experimenting, stronger saturation in case of mini painting and using thin coats of paint for cover nicely influences skin tones . I belive it pull saturation of reds lower and make them nice and fleshy. If you look at many oil or fantasy paintings there is a lot of olive green/brown greens in the shadow tones of skin. Truth to be told basic skin is just different saturation of orange usualy. So it means also there are browns and brown can be achived two ways by adding black to orange or mix orange or red with green witch leads to more vibrant shadow tones. Of course skin tone is strongly dependant on enviroment you put it in. So sometimes ti will be more dominated by blues on overcast day or will be warm if character stands in a place that strongly reflects light for ex. sand in a sunny day. Other technique but similar of this it to do it caravaggio way with brunt sienna and white if I remeber correctly. But it works more for strong contrast.
So for paints. : What I'm doing is semi-mixing . I use vallejo basic flesh and then mix it with blues (sc75 navy), scarlets (Ak wine red), yellows (hataka violet series warm yellow) ,black and white, in different proportions . I'm just lazy to get that basic stuff. I adjust my mixing set for every project sometimes I want colder yellows sometime blue is quite bright etc.
Additionaly I used GW steel legion drab for shadows halftones in that case . It was just quicker this way:p

As for process. Main thing regardless of priming technique is to establish three basic values shadows , mid tones and highlights If you have this basic sketch the rest is just blending work. If it won't look good on sketch ( light placment and values) it won't look good blended simple as that.

Hope thats explain a little bit.
Pretty brilliant green brought into the flesh zone, what a trip! It's working quite well I'd say, excellent!
Part 2 armour nmm and some other stuff
I had some road with his armour . I did not like first draft so had to repaint whole thing . :p the second version vent waaay better. I've decided to go with smudging technique to give it a little bit of texture for later so I could wash it with smoke ink to get that steely dirty look.nefore that I added some green ambient light and reflections in the shadows area. After that some little brown dots and scratches for weathering effect. Helmet looks werid right now but as work will progress reflected light will make more sense.
Final touch for this part were small areas of casted shadows.
So here is progress with photo of my mixed color tones that I used. Mainly desaturated bluegrays for halftones and greenish yellow for highlight midtones.
Photos are not strict step by step (it would be too much XD) but i belive it shows the process

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You aren't painting the crest box or helmet silver? "[C]enturiones...habebat...transversis et argentatis cristis, ut celerius agnoscerentur a suis" De re militari II, XVI ("Centurions...had...transverse and silvered crests so as to be more quickly recognisable to their men").
You aren't painting the crest box or helmet silver? "[C]enturiones...habebat...transversis et argentatis cristis, ut celerius agnoscerentur a suis" De re militari II, XVI ("Centurions...had...transverse and silvered crests so as to be more quickly recognisable to their men").

Nah..My client want him to just look cool and pop from display shelf so historical accuracy goes thru window.
Part 3 : gold mmm
For this I used browns and ocher colours . Black and white for saturation and value manipulation.
Exact paints: black, vmc English uniform ,vmc golden yellow and white. I've also used doombull brown for reflected light.
It's a warmer tone of gold to the contrast with the armour. Also I decided to do this more "polished"
It's a second version at first I couldn't find a colours to my vision.

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Your painting skills are deeply impressive and that is one lucky client to have this in their collection. Fabulous work!
Looking forward to seeing more on this piece

It's a well explained thread and good results as well

Following with interest

Happy benchtime
