Roman Centurion


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
Hereford, Arizona
Attached are some pictures of a bust that I did a couple of months ago. I purchased the bust from a vendor at last year's SCAMMS show. The bust is made by Diorama Studios, and is of a Roman Centruion. It was supposed to be the Centurion from the Gladiator movie, the one at the end of the movie who is wearing the dark blue/back armour. I did not want to paint that color scheme so I painted the fiure in a "leather" looking armour. It may not be historicaly correct, but I had a good time painting it and I am pleased with how it turned out. The figure came with a base and nameplate, so the kit was a total kit. The kit required a large amount of clean up and filling (I used squadron greem stuff and some magic sculpt, espically on the cape as the cape is two piceses that are connected across the cape mid-way. The fiure was undercoated in acrylics (a combination of craft colors from the local Wal-Mart and Vallejos) and also Humberol enamals. I overpainted with oils (I use a hodge-podge of differnet brands, Daler-Rowney, Winsor&Newton, Sennelier, and Grumbacher). The likeness of the figure to the movie person was very good. I would recommend the kit, but with reservations as to the cleanu-up and fitting of parts.

Ed Cepauskas
Hereford, Arizona




I have this kit on my wish list. Really glad to hear some honest words about the quality of it. I think I like your color scheme better than the darker pallete the original sports. Nice work!

Jay h.
This looks very good. As Roc,already sayed, more shading and highlight.
What i really like on your painting of this bust is the leather work. Real color.
